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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    all kingdom

    He is quiet and pensive as winter falls over the Dale.

    There is much to think about, and though their activity has slipped somewhat from where it was several months prior, Ramiel is still pleased with the new life filling their home. They are a loyal bunch: to each other and the kingdom itself – it’s only their work ethic that needs a bit of a boost. And he won’t fault them for it, certainly. Responsibility ultimately always falls back on the person at the helm. They need something to do, some activity to keep their minds sharp and hooves at the ready. Now that their inter-kingdom bonds have been strengthened, the king means to extend their influence outside of the mountain-land. He retreats at the first sign of snow and doesn’t come back until he has a plan.

    As the first signs of spring blossom across the land, he emerges and makes his way to the kingdom center. The charcoal stallion climbs the hill he’d taken when Tiphon had passed him the crown years ago, his breath still coming out in small puffs in the chilly morning air. Once he’s up and looking out over the flat meadows and the rising forests beyond, he lifts his throat to the air and calls the Daleans together. It’s their first official meeting in quite some time, he knows, but he’s confident that those core loyalists will respond. He hopes more will, truth be told.

    As they make their way towards him, Ramiel smiles and nods at each one in turn. He’s known many of them since he was a young child, after all, and they are more like family than simple kingdom-mates. The others are newer, their blood not yet soaked into the ground from years upon years of hard work. Their appearance here means the same to him, though. They are the future of the Dale and he is glad to see each and every face. When they’ve all settled, he begins to speak. “I apologize for the early hour, but there is much to discuss and only so many hours in the day.” His lips quirk in an easy grin. He doubts there will be many – if any – protestations for the sunrise meeting, but one never knows what some of their quirkier members will say. “For any new members, welcome to the Dale. I’m Ramiel.”

    The early sun catches in the gold strands of his hair as he looks at the gathered faces, making them appear fiery red. He hopes to see his father among the crowd, hopes that his angelic sire will have the chance to see he hadn’t made a mistake in leaving the kingdom to his son. It worries him that Tiphon might think as such. For a rather prideful stallion, his father’s lack of praise still has the ability to poke holes in his confidence. But Ramiel doesn’t linger too long on these thoughts. There really are important matters at hoof, and he needs to cover all of them.

    “First, I wanted to thank some of you – really, most of you – for making an appearance at the Jungle’s diplomatic visit.” Nothing in his time on the throne has really shocked him as much as the horde of Daleans descending upon the visiting Sisterhood. Had there ever been such a turnout? “It’s vital that we show a united and large front to the other kingdoms, especially to retain strong allies.” And especially the Jungle. Those women value strength and fortitude more than many of the other kingdoms; they didn’t gain their reputation of fierce warriors for nothing. Which brings him to his next point. “To strengthen our bonds, Lagertha and I have decided to host a small competition between our two kingdoms in the near future. There will be both physical and mental exercises. Anyone is welcome to sign up, and those who do and complete the task will receive a promotion in their respective caste.”

    He flicks his tail against his hocks, giving ample time for questions if there are any before moving onto the next subject. This is the best news for some of them, and his smile grows as he starts to speak again. “There are several promotions to be given out. Weir,” he says, his golden eyes finding the roan man easily in the crowd. “You are being promoted to an advisor. As second in command of the peace, you also will receive the gift of invisibility from the Dale for as long as you retain the position. Use it wisely,” he says, the corners of his eyes crinkling. Honestly, Ramiel expects him to use it wisely half the time – he might even come to regret his choice. Still grinning, the king turns to the wingless, flying mare. “My mother is taking some time for herself and is leaving her position as lady. Elysteria, I would be honored if you accepted the role.” And if anyone embodies the position, it is certainly his almost-aunt. He waits for her answer before looking to the rest of them.

    “We have come a long way, but there is still a lot of work to be done.” The king takes on a more serious air, his smile fading slowly on his face. “Our army is still sorely lacking in every respect. We need horses who will step up and take a leadership role to train interested soldiers.” Perhaps they already have the next general in their midst. But if not, recruiters needed to be on the lookout to find one. This matter worries Ramiel more than he lets on. In fact, if I weren’t for their alliance with the Jungle and their warriors, he would think they stood little chance against an attack. This combined with the recent Deserts visitor at their border keeps the man up at night. “We have recently made an alliance with the Falls as well. Other than our allies (which need to be friendly consequences only), feel free to challenge and steal from the other kingdoms. It is encouraged and will be rewarded.” A small breeze ruffles his mane and tail. He breathes deeply before concluding his speech. “There are rumors of imminent violence and war. We cannot be caught unaware.” Here he looks knowingly to those who were present when Weed appeared. Changes are coming, that much is certain. It is only a matter of who to place their trust in when the time comes. “Look out for one another and stay strong.” Ramiel looks evenly at everyone, hoping they’ll heed this advice at least. They are a family first and foremost, and he knows what lengths he’ll go to keep them all safe. "Does anyone have any questions or comments?"


    ghost king of the dale


    Messages In This Thread
    all kingdom - by Ramiel - 10-28-2015, 11:37 AM
    RE: all kingdom - by Weir - 10-30-2015, 05:18 PM
    RE: all kingdom - by Tiny - 10-30-2015, 07:29 PM
    RE: all kingdom - by Elysteria - 11-05-2015, 12:22 AM

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