The pale ghost focused of the stallions smile which cause her to smile also, she tried to look the stallion over to occupy her thoughts from becoming offal again. She noted that he was a very attractive stallion with his majestic wings and the smile to make her heart melt. "It's a pleasure to meet you Finnick" She said her bell tone just barely a sound in the wind, but it dies down slowly to where the two can hear each other speak which she was grateful. She chuckled at the sight if him bringing his wings up to block the wind and giving her a cute little lop sided smile that made her whole body relax. Her grey pointed ears flicked to catch every word he said to her as he spoke about trying to recruit and not make an ass of himself, she giggled softly "Do not worry dear Finnick you are making something of yourself but no where near an ass" She said her glowing eyes twinkling slightly with affection and humor as she gives him a soft smile.
She walks a little closer to him to maybe steal some of his warmth, "Forgive me for coming close to you, it is just a little cold out" She said apologetically. She watched him ruffle his feathers when she spoke about them, he did look proud of them but not for the reason that she would of thought "I would love to have wings, Flying sounds wondrous." She said glancing up at the sky and wondering what it would be like to fly up there among the birds, she would feel free. The stallion seemed to be lost in thought but she changed her mind about that when he ask what she was doing out in the cold "Well honestly I don't know I was traveling when I came to this place to rest and maybe be on my way again. But even when it is winter this place is beautiful. I may stay." She said looking over the landscape as she spoke. Yeah, she might stay, make a home here.
The Taste That Your Lips Allow