From above, the wicked shall receive their just reward
Kronk was unused to the new weight of wings on his back. They felt strange, like he had suddenly grown extra legs he didn’t know how to use. But, they were a gift from his king, a gift from his kingdom, and so he cherished them. Cherished them even though he didn’t know how to use them.
They were, however, a constant reminder of the duty he owed. They were the figurative weight of responsibility on his shoulders. He and his brothers and sisters, the brave men and women who made up the Gates, had a kingdom to rebuild, and a score to settle. But, both of those things took manpower, took dedication, required individuals who weren’t afraid to work, to put their back in to it.
Thats who he was looking for today. Good soldiers, or smart diplomats if the case were. Kronk would admit a preference to soldiers, but he could acknowledge that it took all kinds. Besides, Wichita needed diplomats as much as he needed soldiers. Kronk lips quirked into a slight smile, he was just glad he wouldn’t have to debate with them. The thought of sitting still for that long and thinking caused him to twitch. He needed to move, he needed to run. He did not need to sit on his ass all day.
Kronk was still smiling, still imagining how poorly he’d fare in a debate, when he spotted a likely look man. Kronk liked his look. He seemed enthusiastic, he seemed like the type who knew how to work. He just hoped first impressions proved true. Kronk approached him slowly, and offered the other man a nod in greeting.
“Hello, I’m Kronk. What brings you to the Meadow?” He was of course, fishing. He was feeling the other stallion out, trying to see if it was business or pleasure that brought him here.