Sometimes the silence guides the mind
Winds whip around the meadow bringing the cold bite with it, yes it was officially winter. Hooves crunch in the newly fallen snow that had melted during the day before and froze back over during the night. A middle aged stallion picks his way over the extra slick parts of the snow as he reaches the meadow, the wind makes him shudder softly and curse at the fridged temperature as it sinks into his bones. The stallion was looking for a place to call home, he really wasn't ready to strike out on his own and start a herd with some mare he had met in the field. He wanted to be in a Kingdom or even part of a herd. A sigh escaped the stallion's form and dissipated in front of his face in the form of water vapor. He shook his head and grumbled slightly at the sight of the snow in front of him. He has always hated the snow, even as a child. He hated the cold, his Arab coat was much to thin to be in this weather.
He ambled over to the pond which to much of his surprise was not frozen only a thin layer of ice formed at the top, a hoof could easily break it. So he did just that, he lowered his elegant head and drank the freezing water mildly concerned that it might freeze his blood and his organs but the though instantly left his head when he scented a equine, he couldn't tell the gender yet but it was defiantly equine. His heart lept for joy and his eyes twinkled at the thought of having a home, finally!