From above, the wicked shall receive their just reward
Kronk did not like being kept waiting. He didn’t feel like he had time to waste, that any of them had time to waste. The year since his home had burned had turned Kronk into someone he didn’t recognize. It had made him hard, resentful, a man with a score to settle and a thorn in his side.
The apathy. They had let themselves burn. They had sat on their ass and waited. By the look of things, the Falls was doing much of the same thing.
The orange and white stallion snorted, both contemptuously and self deprecatingly. All the better, they needed each other. When it was not the king or the queen that approached, Kronk’s mood again darkened. This was why he was not a diplomat. This was why he was a lieutenant. If he gave orders they were immediately followed. He was given orders they were immediately executed. There was none of this waiting, none of this agonizing slowness of discussion and consideration. Still, Kronk knew raging at his only attendant was not the way to start this meeting. He just needed to be patient, and gracious. The stallion ground his teeth and answered in a way he hoped didn’t show his impatience.
“I need someone who can negotiate on behalf of your kingdom, as I have been sent to on behalf of mine. My name is Kronk, I’m from the Gates.” Kronk decided that it was better not to mention that this meeting had been his idea. He decided not to mention that he was making it his business to negotiate on behalf of his kingdom because he had a score to settle, blood to spill, and was in no mood to wait. Once upon a time Kronk had been a good solider, an obedient solider. Now he was the kind who thought it was better to ask for forgiveness than permission.
Granted, he had permission to be here. He thought he had permission to make the best deal he could for his kingdom. If he didn’t, well, they would just see about that. The Gates needed allies, needed allies with spines of steel and reason to think ill of the Chamber. Kronk was hoping to rustle up some like minded individuals. He was looking for a dog fight.