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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    shine on you crazy diamond; Hestia/Any

    the cat and the fiddle

    To Gallows she nods, "Then it will be good practice for the two of us, I'm afraid I will not be much of a challenge, considering how rusty I am." The black creature can't help but let the dreamy feeling slide through her body.

    Hestia listens to Fennick attentively. Possibly a little flabbergasted at his new found ability of quick wit. He had been so... oblivious before. That period of time lasted until she thought, that was just his nature.And had just been starting to accept it. When this suprise occurs. For a moment she is caught in the throws of the conversation. Giggling at the jokes being thrown around. "Well not many can stand to be around someone better then themselves. As for rock, I'm sure that it can have its pleasantries as well." For lack of something better to say, she leaves it at that.

    Though it is a quick recover from the miserable failure at a whitty remark when the conversation is switched to the birds and the bees. "Two heads are always better than one... or in this case. Teachers" she grins mischeviously at the two. Well if they wanted to play that game, she was never one to discriminate.

    The reply from the filly is more than she expected. So mind reading eh? Well she should have been able to guess, if she hadn't been so distracted by Fennick that is. This only makes her grin spread more, wasn't really a suprise, Not like she would have been able to hide anything today anyways. Damn Fennick being such a distraction and all.

    When Gallows continues with a remark on Fennick's nature, she smiles gratefully towards her. Emotions fluttering through her body. She wasn't like the other mares in Beqanna, most growing up with the free will to fall in love, and have children. To do what ever whim is floating in their minds. For Hestia it had been a soldiers road. Princess of the Amazons. Well... couldn't very well say she was a princess now of course. It didn't stop the blood in her veins though, nor the heart beating in her chest. She had been raised to a high expectation, rigid boundries, and most of all... No male company.

    How was she supposed to act? How was she supposed to treat these people. So relaxed in their ways, and lives. So different from the prim and proper up bringing that was hers by birth. Where steps must be silent, head held high, muscles coiled and ready for battle, eyes sharp and aware. She had indeed grown rusty to bend and talk to a foal. It was no longer about old world customs, and eliquent speeches.

    It felt nice, being here, without her mothers hawk eyes to watch her. Being able to laugh and flirt. It had a warmth to it that she definately missed in her years away from this land. It reminded the mare as to why she called this place home. Why her heart had longed to be back here.

    She is pulled from her thoughts when the child adds to her previous remark, and she can't help but let out an out right laugh. Until Fennick dares to respond and send her head reeling with shock. He wouldn't dare.... would h...

    Just as she is thinking it she can hear him stepping closer towards her. She turns her head bewildered, recieving the full force of his kiss to her face. Well if Fennick seemed oblivious to her, she must be choking on her own tongue at this point. She liked it, no more accurately loved it. Well maybe she should ask herself what it was first... Butterflies sent searing heat through her joints, No one had ever dared to do that before.

    In a way she wanted it again, wanted to give him one in return. In a knee jerk reaction she squealed and playfully nipped at his tongue attempting to catch it in coy punishment. Her insides trembled at the sensation, her eyes sparkling green and lips curved into a smile.

    When she turns her attention back to Namaah she winks "Your right I think it just might help."


    jumped over the moon

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    RE: shine on you crazy diamond; Hestia/Any - by Hestia - 10-19-2015, 05:33 PM

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