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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    shine on you crazy diamond; Hestia/Any

    Remember when you were young, you shone like the sun

    In his coltish days, Fennick had been as rambunctious as the rest of them. He’d been significantly more awkward, true, but he had taken his fair share of bluster and bravado. He’d butted heads with the other colts, bucked and romped until his legs were tried. Perhaps, because he was the most awkward, he was also the most likely to be led astray by his brethren.

    One day on a dare, he’d talked to a real, in the flesh mare.

That had not gone so well. He swaggered up to her and said one of the horrible pickup lines the other boys had deemed perfect for wooing. She’d bared her teeth and sent him scurrying back to his band of dumb little boys. He’d learned something that day. Women were scary, and they were not to be messed with. He’d maintained that mind set into his adult life. He’d reevaluated slightly, to be sure. Women weren’t always scary, women were just scary when you wanted something from them. Don’t mess with the bull and you won’t get the horns. You could, however, ask the bull how her day was going, and that usually went over pretty well. 

    Fennick considered for a second. Did lady bulls have horns? He sure hoped not. He’d really pity bulls if their women folk were weaponized. 

    That was not important. What was important was that Hestia was teasing him. His eyes glinted playfully, both because she was goading him, but also because he had picked up on it. It was possible he was a little savvier now then he had been as a colt. 

    “Oh it is. He’s got a great personality too, a real crowd pleaser. Much better than this form that tries to make bad jokes.” Another grin, maybe a little sheepish. It was certainly possible that rock Fennick was, indeed, his most charming personality. There was also log Fennick, for when he felt stiff as a board, and goo Fennick, for when he just couldn’t keep it together. Hopefully, Hestia would never have to be plagued with his more disastrous selves. 

    He finished grinning at Hestia just in time to scowl as Gallows. His heart wasn’t in it though. After the initial shock of baby talk had worn off Fennick was falling into a teasing, light hearted groove. You just had to give the poor boy a minute to catch up.

    “Rea didn’t really need to sit her children down. She probably assumed we’d catch on eventually. Fennick had a lot (read a lot) of half siblings. Rea had many children, Fennick was among them. While Fennick didn’t particularly enjoy thinking of his mother in that way, none of her kids were strangers to the birds and the bees. 

    Fennick didn’t know his father, but he had heard he was a whale? He didn’t know what think about that.

    The black stallion smiled between Namaah and Gallows. The child really was precocious, and he found himself grinning again at her explanation of Gallows’ parenting skills. Their little family seemed like a merry, and a little scary, bunch. For the first time Fennick wondered what it would be like to have children of his own, and the thought didn’t seem entirely ridiculous. He tried to imagine what a son of his would be like and couldn’t. He did, however, blush at her suggestion to kiss Hestia. His own embarrassment was overpowered by sly satisfaction at Gallows’ choking (serves her right). He looked coyly at Hestia, a grin tugging at his lips.

    “I should kiss her, huh?” In an uncharacteristic show of boldness, he closed the distance between them, his head snaking out as he tried to trail a big, wet lick across her cheek. There, that should woo any mare. Who wouldn’t like a big, sloppy Fennick kiss?  

    Whale and Rea’s crazy diamond

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    RE: shine on you crazy diamond; Hestia/Any - by Fennick - 10-17-2015, 10:39 PM

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