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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    shine on you crazy diamond; Hestia/Any

    the cat and the fiddle

    "Ahh, I must have gotten you mixed up with someone else the last time I was around beqanna." She pauses for a moment. "You remember the wars? Erros, Jadis, Cassiah, Infection... Gunsynd" There were others involved, more than she could count. It had been a dark period in the history of Beqanna. "It runs together sometimes." She say's almost as a side note.

    When Fennick steps back into the conversation, she bites her lip a bit sheepishly. She thought he had picked up on her hints. Oh well, it was still a cute moment. One she wouldn't forget. "Ah, sort of, more in passing then anything else, we happened to be attending the same meeting." She isn't sure just how much of the story he is wanting, but she is sure that if he wanted more he would ask. She nudges him reasurringly, before turning her attention to the youngling.

    She purrs through her nares a small chorkle escaping towards the affectionate girl. "Wonderful to meet you as well Namaah." The leafy orbs fill with a shimmer of warmth, teasingly blowing air to tickle her in the last moments of contact.

    Looking up at him for a moment she sees the grin and can't help give one in return. "It must be something to scare off females like that. Guess they just can't handle the prize." Her eyes twinkle wondering if he knew she was refering to something other than literal stone.

    Finally siddling back to Fennick she takes comfort from his presence, just as she does from Gallows and the young creature at her side. "You're a good mother Gallows." Wow a compliment from Hestia? What was this? Maybe it was the effects of the fire wall. Well in any case she needed to shut her trap before something happened that she wouldn't be able to recover from.

    Almost as if the woman can read her mind the subject is changed to politics. Grateful she straightens herself out, "Well if fighting is what you are good at, then it would be fighting that I should ask of you." She smiles again. Nope it dissapears and she pretends that it didn't exist.

    With a smile from him it encouraged her, she couldn't help but continueing to look into his eyes. Until the child talks once more, this time it sends Fennick a little distance away. Hestia hides her dissapointment by turning to the little one, "Well not quite. Do you think we should have one?" Oi she was encouraging the little one and she knew it. She hoped maybe he would get the point and if he did, would he tell her to bug off, or accept her... Well it was a risk that she was willing to take.

    As the sun started peeking over the edge, yawning as it rolled over and went back to sleep, she hoped to hide her discomfort by starring into the rays. Glossy eyed, and a little let down she stepped away from him. Knowing that if he wanted her, he would let her know. She had given away how she felt as much as she was willing. Now it was time to lock it all back up. She was an independant woman, and didn't need anyone's help.

    Hestia had allowed herself one moment in time to dream of a life that she could have had. A life that she desperately wanted, but, sadly, never felt that would be hers to own. For if her family came calling she would drop everything in a heart beat to help them. And Fennick... well as much as he let on that he liked her, seemed to be interested in friends only. So once more just as Erros was just a friend. It seemed that Fennick would be just a friend as well. Whether she was hoping for something more or not it didn't really matter.


    jumped over the moon

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    RE: shine on you crazy diamond; Hestia/Any - by Hestia - 10-13-2015, 11:44 PM

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