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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    a wise man knows himself a fool; Rhonan/any

    my shadow tilts its head at me,

    spirits in the dark are waiting.

    Teleporting could be pretty cool. So could mastering this shadow thing. Rhynn had showed him just some of what he could do. Made herself twice as large, almost solid looking. He’s pretty sure he could make something solid too, if he could just figure out how to control it. It seemed so natural to her. Maybe she was born with the trait, maybe it was in her blood.

    But for Rhonan, it was all just in his head. Or maybe it was his head getting in the way. Thoughts of Noah and Gero and Azula and the crow. Thoughts of Beqanna burned to the ground, of the horde of dead, burned horses chasing them. Devouring Noah.

    The shadows around them begin to grow; shadows of tree branches reaching out as if to grab (and they might, he doesn’t know). He shakes his head, clearing it, and the shadows fall back to normal. The ones of his coat still cling to him though.

    “Yea man. In theory.” He rolls his eyes slightly, at himself, not at Fennick. The stallion doesn’t press, and Rhonan is thankful. He thinks. Maybe it would be good to talk about it, but Rhonan has never been a talker. He’d be a fighter, if he could get his act together enough to be anything. And even if he could talk about it, what would he say? Yea, I’ve lived like 4 lives. I made Frankenstein animals and then my pet crow died and the world crumbled. And Beqanna burned. In one of my lives, you are fucking dead dude.

    Yea, that’s enough of that. Fennick would think he’s crazy and he’d probably be tossed out of the Valley. Not that Rhonan is head over heels in love with this kingdom, but whatever, it was a place to stay. Besides, he needed Rhynn. Fennick, bless his soul, changes the topic back to his good state.

    “Can you turn into me?” The idea of which is both creepy and amazing. Not that the world need’s anymore Rhonan’s, but at least Fennick/Rhonan would have a sense of humor. Rhonan does actually chuckle at the joke, which is something for him. He’s pretty much stupid when it comes to humor, but this one he gets. Why? Because he’s no politician either.


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    RE: a wise man knows himself a fool; Rhonan/any - by Rhonan - 10-12-2015, 03:16 PM

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