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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    this is nothing like waking up in Vegas; any
    Lagertha is going to lose her molars to constant jaw clenching and teeth grinding at this rate. Let’s make one thing very clear. She is not afraid of Straia, or the Chamber. Even if her ravens have infiltrated the Jungle and listen in on every conversation, there is a way to do things that she could not possibly know about. That, and the Jungle is vast. They may ‘know’ the paths and have guides should they ever attack, but birds are birds. They have birdbrains. Even if they have a horse’s brains, guiding is one thing and instinct and intuition are another. They may be able to lead an army down a path, but what of the roots that stick up and vines that suddenly drop? What of mud and bugs and stinging plants? What of the breath-sucking heat and humidity that would drain the energy of anyone unused to it? They would not be able to communicate those sorts of things. They cannot use the Jungle against itself.

    Ask Killdare. He is miserable here, even for all his burr-in-tail and following Joscelin antics.

    They really needed Prague to show herself again.

    Rhy appears, and while she may be a voice of reason, she takes an approach that Lagertha does not like. Of course Straia wouldn’t send a spy that could be caught, Lagertha isn’t stupid. “Clearly,” she says dryly, keeping her tone flat. “And yet, if one of ours were to… appear in the middle of the Chamber, how would Straia deal with it? Regardless of whether or not you meant to land here, you are trespassing. Can you honestly tell me that she would let a Sister go? Or would she keep her captive…  as I hear she is prone to doing? Just because she thinks she can? ” The last question is delivered to both Rhy and Erebor – one to play devil’s advocate to her Erinak’s advice, and two, to see how Erebor would answer. Lyris had returned from the Gates with information regarding the latest attack.

    To raid was one thing. To burn down the manifestation of their Spirit is another. And while the warrior Queen wasn’t in the habit of standing up for the little person, it seemed to her like someone was getting too big for her britches. As to that big of new, she is curious what Rhy (good, kindhearted Rhy) would say.

    Lagertha can make points too. The question is whether or not she will choose to make this her battle, or if she will bide her time.

    Messages In This Thread
    RE: this is nothing like waking up in Vegas; any - by Lagertha - 10-12-2015, 10:25 AM

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