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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    shine on you crazy diamond; Hestia/Any

    I make a face at Fennick. Unwittingly he has chosen the best way to annoy me; being faux obliviously sweet. Really, it's not at all fair because that's one of the tools in my handbook, and I only like to use it on others, not have it used on me.

    And if he wants to shove me off a cliff, I'd pull him down with me. We'd probably be the kind of pair that ends up having ridiculous adventures and bonds but still acts like we hate one another. Although let's be honest, I pretty much act like I hate everyone, so whose to tell?

    I grin in pure amusement as Fennick does his nice boy routine. Of course I know a lot about the Valley, but did he have to use the word mentor? He might as well say I'm ancient.

    Hestia, Fennick is politely telling you that I am very old. He's such a dear boy that way.

    Oh dear Hestia, all of us carry death and destruction in our wake. Thankfully the Valley has a way of using those unwanted talents. If someone like Carnage couldn't run this place into the ground, I highly doubt a spurt of bad luck will be the straw. Still, I appreciate her unspoken concern and though she doesn't yet know I have a front row seat to her thoughts, I give her a warm albeit tinged with humor, smile. Of course you belong here. Where else do misfits go?

    Not pregnant, I say. “And more than relieved about that. As for being a sweetheart, I hope so. I've decided to keep her anyways.” Very much a joke. I have a soft spot for my children. I add with a wry look, “I'll settle for her being less of a challenge than her brother was.

    I glance over at Namaah who is shaking her wings and apparently trying to cause a dust cloud with her feeble flapping. Good lord. Children are ridiculous.

    Well, new girl, what would you like help with? I'm afraid that there are some things I won't be abl to do for you, but I have a feeling Fennick will oblige.

    I give the pair a teasing look. Hey, just because I'm a confirmed bachelorette doesn't mean I don't know about what goes on beneath the sheets.

    G A L L O W S
    We must all hang together or, assuredly, we shall all hang separately.

    Messages In This Thread
    shine on you crazy diamond; Hestia/Any - by Gallows - 10-10-2015, 08:21 PM

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