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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    this is the light that shines; Tiberios, any

    When he’s transported, Tiberios feels a sensation akin to being ripped in half. Not entirely painful, but incredibly uncomfortable. In the afterlife, he takes a weak step to the side and shakes his head, turning to look at Ramiel with disbelief. A ghost? It’s hard not to believe, with the tangy smell of ancient ruin in his nostrils and Ramiel a see-through entity. The sabino feels something like a headache beginning to form in his temple. Ramiel mentions being careful and Tiberios remembers then what they were discussing - the Chamber, his son. It makes sense now, to be in a place where words can finally be kept between only those who speak to each other.

    He laughs, despite the awkwardness, and feels his heart warm to his half-brother. Ramiel talks and Tiberios listens, interjecting only when the time is right. “Of course they don’t need to stay.” He says, “Malka’s own seat is just a representation, there’s nothing binding keeping her here anymore.” That doesn’t keep the mare from staying, though, and Tiberios is glad of that. She’d been an invaluable help around his silent home. Texas too, though he was proving to be something of a pain in his side. “Our sister?” He asks, confused at the notion. Ramiel had been the only sibling he solidly knew of - they had a sister, in the Amazons?

    Ramiel's consent to aid the Falls in times of need is nothing short of reassuring, allowing the burnt man to exhale with relief. “Straia’s gone mad with power, she’s got magicians to back her too. It’ll take a miracle to stop her from doing anything that she thinks of.” It could be done, of course, but at a great cost. His own throne is still shaky, he knows. Already he’s had to sacrifice himself to show face against her, and it’d done nothing but given her a reason to openly mock him. “Thank you Ramiel.” Tiberios says, eyeing him with earnest affection. “I guess the only question is - who will represent the seat for the Dale?”

    A smile rouses on his lips, and the Falls king looks around him, thinking about where they were. His mother was here - somewhere, wandering through the afterlife. He wonders (with little hope) if Ramiel could find her. Miraposa. But he won’t waste the other King’s time. She was gone, and it wasn’t wise to linger in a world where Tiberios wasn’t supposed to be.


    king of the falls

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    RE: this is the light that shines; Tiberios, any - by Tiberios - 10-09-2015, 05:00 PM

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