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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    shine on you crazy diamond; Hestia/Any

    the cat and the fiddle

    She could stand here and listen to him gush all night and not get bored. "Well we can watch it together this morning. I'm sure its just as beautiful as you say." When she smacks the fly, then hears the grunt from him, her leafy pools widen with suprise. "Oops," It was hard to conceal the mirth under the reply. "There was a fly." She says in that girlishly innocent way.

    Then the fun begins, and the black creature siddles a bit when the great wings are launched, with a bubbling laughter she attempts a teasing nip to the base of his neck. the shadows fading once more. "Maybe a little, though I guess I deser...." Her ears flick back at theh sound of another creature approaching.

    When he speaks the new comers name, a film crosses her face. Yes the name did sound familiar. Though it would only be fair if the creature knew just how useless, that secret was. The only thing it would ever do is haunt Hestia. For she had not yet been initiated into the Valley, infact she was in the middle of attending the ceremony, when her mother had called her back to the Jungle. Though it was her mothers sole desire for her to tie herself to the Jungle, Hestia could not bring herself to do it. As much as she loved the land, and the people there, she felt that taking the easy road with everything being handed to her on a platter. It just was not something that she could do and still hold her head high. She wanted to forge her own path, and besides all that, the Jungle would have known that her heart truly laid in the Valley, and it would have never posessed her knowing that.

    So when the time came and her family needed her again, after having worked in the Jungle as a diplomat, though never taking the title, she left once more. Saving her sister from a torturous situation, she had gaurded over her for the next couple of years, wandering the lands of Beqanna. When her sister decided to dissapear one night Hestia left, wanting to find her calling, so to speak. Until she found herself back in Beqanna, this time in the Dale. Meeting Erros had been the highlight of her life for that time. She was ready to give up, the black creature did not desire this life anymore. She had felt old and tired. Him, he brought her light and hope, he had dug into her, and been the friend that she never had, had. Always incouraging her, always there for her, and once again, just as her mother was leaving, so did he.

    At that point she had lost everything she knew, and her new home, one that she had just been anitiated into was now being torn, and fought over. There was nothing left, her mother, her sister, her friend, and her home. All of them gone, so once more she took off from this place. Once more she traveled unknown lands. Once more she was finding herself back in Beqanna.

    Now she was back in the home that had been attached to her soul since being a filly. Now she was standing beside a man that she counted as... no she couldn't call him that. It would only make him dissapear, just as everyone else had.

    She could swear the gods had picked her to be the flag bearer of distruction. Where ever she went, so did death. He tagged along behind her like a lost puppy. Never taking her like she desired, just trailing her, and sucking the life out of everything around her. Anything that gave her hope, anyone that brought her happiness, anything that professed a soul, these shadows took from her. Would always take from her.

    Though this felt different for some reason. Maybe... just maybe, this time fate would cut the leash, and let her have some peace. Had not the flames been a sign of that? They HAD welcomed her after all. She knew that she belonged here. Knew that no matter what, she would/had never desired to leave these lands. But family connections run strong, and their tung at her soul would forever keep her wandering. Leaving anything that she wanted when ever they called out for her. It was her curse. As as the daughter of Jadis, it was her duty to make sure that her family was safe.

    "Thank you, Gallows, and how are you these days?" She was sure that she had meet the creature, was she not a filly at the time? "A daughter of your own, I'm sure that she's a sweet heart."

    When Fennick proceeds to explain Hestia smiles up at him once more. She was sure that Gallows knew the place well, but something in his tone told her that he wasn't saying everything on his mind. Leaving her pondering his words. "Well I'm sure that you both can assist me greatly." She still wanted to see her old haunts with him. Still wanted it to be him to show her around. She longed for the company, but Gallows also had her intrigued.

    She was sure that she could find a good friend in the woman, and definatly knew that she would be able to teach Hestia a lot. Or at least take of the rough edges that she had acquired in her time away, but she also knew when something felt right, you had to go with it.


    jumped over the moon

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    RE: shine on you crazy diamond; Hestia/Any - by Hestia - 10-09-2015, 12:18 AM

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