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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    shine on you crazy diamond; Hestia/Any

    the cat and the fiddle

    She shivers at the rush of air that his wings cause, or was she shivering at the rush of electricity that she felt buzzing when his strength is revealed to her through the wing draped over her spine. With a giggle she steps lightly, dancing the flames off her own coat. Noticing a spark that had clung to his cheek, she brushes at it pausing when she sees how natural it had come to her. Feeling ackward, the mare also notices that it didn't help anything that she was still reaching out to him. Dipping her head she looks to the grass with embarrasment. When his reply comes, the voice soothes her to some extent.

    She smiles up at him, scared, but hopeful. When something else catches her attention. What if... she looks around herself warily, "It could couldn't it." She replies with a soft meloncholy ring to her vocals. Were the others of her past still here? Did anyone even vagely remember the treachery... She had done the most dishonorable thing any horse could do to a kingdom. Abandonment. She had abandoned the amazons, the dale, the valley... now she wanted it back? What right did she have even considering such an option.

    As if he could see the shadows that haunted her, the reassuring words almost brings tears to her eyes. Oh if he only knew. She was sure that he would turn and run as soon as he figured it out. That he would be embarrased having brought a traitor to this land. Well the land understood, would always understand. It could see everything, had seen everything that went down those days, and still it chose to welcome her... he was right, maybe there was a second chance for her after all. "It did didn't it." She shakes her head and her lashes flutter shut. "Yes, yes I think I would very much like to make this my home as well." A shadow nipped at her heel hissing at her, sending trills of shame through her spine.

    She siddles closer to him taking comfort in his closeness, some reason the shadows didn't like this man, and Hestia had to admit, she liked that. She lets a shiver slide down her skin, it was chilly out tonight.

    When he sparks up conversation again, she lets yet another smile slip through. Wow he should be given an award with the amount of expressions he was getting off her. "I always loved watching the sunrise anyways." Yes she could wait to move, in fact would be happy to not move away from him while enjoying the best moment of the day.

    Her head tilts a little towards his, wondering just what he was thinking. She was almost about to ask when she bites her tongue. They had time. Besides she barely knew the guy. God she was acting like such a filly. Her tail switchs against her rump the back lash landing against him. Darn flies.


    jumped over the moon

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    RE: shine on you crazy diamond; Hestia/Any - by Hestia - 10-07-2015, 09:00 PM

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