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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    Come little Children {ANY}

    what scares you?..everything

    After what felt like hours, it had completely dried itself. Its insides twisted and narled with a deep need that it couldn't seem to satisfy. Weakness wouldn't be an option here, it needed to find something anything to settle the craving. The creamy creature found that the ackward things under it could move. Adjusting them the knobby legs stretched and strained to support him. Well at least it could move, that was good to know. Now maybe... It took one shaky step then another. Natural, easy as breathing, it thought to himself. Now, where to find more of that metallic stuff that seemed to help its scraping insides.

    Nostrils flare, it would have to learn to work around this darkness, there was other things around... other things with heart beats, and the smell... the smell of... metallic, the sickly sweet metallic that had nurished it to his feet. The creature searches for that scent, swinging his head around to bite the innards into obediance. "Patience" it whispered, almost as a response it hears the same cry it had formed not hours ago. With the taste of liquid in its mouth, the creature finds it not as distateful as the last time. The warmth made it go down easier, though it left a ticklish wet sensation running down its belly. It creaks and wobbles, steps echoing in the cave. Where had that sound come from. He needed to know, maybe it would something that could help it. Maybe he was not the only it out there. There is a slithering of scales on rock nearby that quickly distracts it.

    Stepping towards the sound, nares nudge at the heat. A long rounded thing coils under his muzzle with a hiss. It didn't like that sound, made his ears grate. It wanted to punish that sound. Make it stop, and go away. Teeth grind and the thing reels and struggles underneath its maw. It really didn't like the way this thing kept moving. It hisses again this time its so mad that it chomps down on the coil. Screaming at it to stop. It tastes the sweet metalic once more this time with a slick warm crunch as well. It was suprised by this, so anything that is warm has this taste to it. Including himself. He wondered if it would be the victim to anothers pains. Rolling the carcaus around in its mouth it likes the slithery wetness spurting down its throat. Ohh that went down so much better it was almost enjoyable that time. Twisting its neck the liquid dribbles down its chin, It needed to find someplace warm. Away from the echoes.

    More steps, more struggles, a few bruises, and a couple of tender spots tell it what to look for to avoid anymore pains. There was the roughness of something solid that could damage its little buckskin body on, then there was also the wet cold stuff that was similiar to the food he had found. No warmth so far, the pains still didn't go away. It wondered just where he would find another coil to chew on again. It listens for more of the slithering sounds, but so far it can't find another. Maybe it would find them near warmth... just like him. Eventually it does find something warm, it crackles, it changes, it smells delicious.

    What was it? How long had it wandered? Days? Weeks? Months? Well little more than skin and bones, the coils had kept it alive, and the cold wetness had given him belly ackes, but that too had kept him from feeling dizzy. Chapped lips are stained with red, the sickly sweet perfume clung to its coat. It wondered at just how far away from the thing that had created it, it was? There was another snap crackle and pop, then more heat. He stepped closer to it, the heat feeling intense against his skin as he attempted to figure out what it was. It seemed to be another one of those rough things that he found an annoyance to avoid. But this one was eminating heat from it. So there must be more coils nearby. Just as he thinks about it, that irritating hiss rings in its ears. Snapping its head around it bares its teeth searching for the source. "Where are you little bugger" It whispers in a glassy voice.


    idk things reasons

    Photo by anapt

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    RE: Come little Children {ANY} - by Oricle - 10-12-2015, 11:45 PM
    RE: Come little Children {ANY} - by Straia - 10-19-2015, 09:40 AM
    RE: Come little Children {ANY} - by Oricle - 10-20-2015, 03:03 PM
    RE: Come little Children {ANY} - by Straia - 10-29-2015, 09:49 AM
    RE: Come little Children {ANY} - by Oricle - 11-02-2015, 07:52 PM
    RE: Come little Children {ANY} - by Straia - 11-07-2015, 04:52 PM

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