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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    shine on you crazy diamond; Hestia/Any

    the cat and the fiddle

    She looks from one side of the trail to the other. The old thorny path that had led her to this very place so long ago. She moves with the shadows stepping through the trees and grasses with a grace that only an amazonian princess could posess. The feeling of serreal uphoria posess her with a peaceful expectancy. Communing with the land around her she can feel it respond and sway welcoming her tread as she passes. She had always, and would always feel that this secret of Beqanna belonged solely to her. The land had lived longer than her, seen more than her, had seen every secret and whispering shadow that had ever passed her way, and still it accepted her, still it chose her to whisper sweet nothings to. It was what she loved, and it was her that it loved back. A light breeze carresses her as she snakes her way in the shadows. An ocational moon beam glints off her shadowed coat, though it passes with a gentle kiss to her skin. There had been only one mark to her body that had caused the sway of the earth to comunicate with her, the bloody rose sitting tucked in the grooves of her breast. She had always been one to hide it, not wanting to flaunt her herritage, but when grasses were not tall and there was no bushes or shadows to hide in, she was sure that others would eventually notice. It was a mark that burned her mother forever into her memory. A mark that bore much shame and darkness, as it brought happiness and companionship.

     Looking up the hill she spots the barrackade of glowing orange. Her heart sings as she watches it dance and ebb, calling out to it she whispers under her breath "I've come home dear one." She is reminded that there is another being present when her thoughts are brought back to reality. Her hide quivers with excitement at the first glimpse of her home. Yes this time would definately be different. It was calling out to her, and this time she wasn't alone. Listening to his soft baratones she abscent mindedly lets a smile slip through the stone features. "Its beautiful" She whispers next to him in a hushed tone, almost afraid to break the spell the land had put her under.

    Were her sins finally forgiven? Was she finally allowed a passage of peace in her life? Even if this magical moment would be short lived she would cherish it forever. The land knew her agony and had found it in its heart to welcome her one last time.

      Stepping forward she senses a strong warmth envelope her and leans toward it, with a sigh she turns her glistening eyes to the stallion next to her. For a moment the flames dance in her eyes and her soul is laid bare for anyone to see, she realizes that the warmth was him, and the strength of the muscles that she was leaning against tugged at her heart. Though as if drunk the full impact of what was happening didn't quite hit her yet. Was she safe? Something in the back of her mind whispered that she was, that this moment was right. That him next to her was perfect. Relaxing into him she says "shall we?"

    When they do step forward she embraces the flames rubbing her head against them, giggling as they tickle her and hug her. Kissing her skin with their warmth. Like little sprites they dance around these two, talking to them in their on way welcoming the pair as they were. She felt something ignite within her self, something welling in her chest "I love you too" She whispers to the heat, before turning her attention to the man at her side.

    She couldn't be happier than standing here in this heat with someone that was... touching her? She looks into his face vulnerable, maybe a little frightened. Someone was touching her. Someone that was not... for a moment the smile fell and shadows overtook her. Was this the end of the the lands reprieve of the torture that she endured? Her breathing quickened. The creatures mouth fell open. Thoughts race through her mind incoherrantly so that she didn't notice when they stepped to the other side of the flames.

    She looked up at him a part of her hoping that the embrace would never end. That she could feel this warmth and companionship for the rest of her life. Well she wouldn't be the one to pull away, she was sure of that. "So this is your home." Was it a question? Or was it just stating the obvious? She wasn't sure what she was trying to communicate to him.


    jumped over the moon

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    RE: shine on you crazy diamond; Hestia/Any - by Hestia - 10-06-2015, 01:59 PM

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