10-06-2015, 12:01 PM
I'm looking for the sky to save me,
looking for a sign of life
looking for a sign of life
Well apparently she’s hit a nerve.
The stallion swings to face her, anger burning in his handsome face. She chokes out a laugh at his expression, both angry and amused that she’s managed to get a rise out of him. What a self-righteous ass. Can’t face the truth at all.
The princess comment does rankle though, just a bit. But only because, once upon a time, she actually had been a princess. A princess of two kingdoms, with a large, loving family. But it’s long gone now. Her mother is dead, and she hasn’t seen her father and siblings in years. They could be dead too for all she knows. But he doesn’t know about any of that. He doesn’t know her at all. “Well why don’t you enlighten me then? Because apparently you thought me worth stopping for.” She can’t keep the sneer from her face. He’d likely been looking for some pathetic, wilted flower. So much for that.
“Oh fuck you.” He’s getting nasty now, lashing out after being called out on his bullshit. What an arrogant little shit. Her anger carries her a few more steps forward. “Wow, your inner asshole is showing. So much for your white knight act.”
And then she can’t hold herself back any more. She springs out of the water as the word ‘brat’ leaves his lips, sodden wings flared (too heavy to fly with), ears pinned and teeth bared. Her dark neck snakes out, teeth seeking purchase in his roan hide. “Shut up!” She’s crying now, though she doesn’t know it. “Shut up, shut up, SHUT UP!”