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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    and at once I knew, I was not magnificent || Any

    From above, the wicked shall receive their just reward

    His head was beginning to hurt. His whole body hurt. His soul hurt. He can’t stand to look at Ledger, but he does, he makes himself, and his eyes are kind. It is not his fault. Whatever this is, it is not his fault.

    Kronk knows a little of blame. He is not a forgiving man, but where there is no fault to be laid, there is no blame. Ledger, Kronk is sure of it, does not deserve this, just as Ilka doesn’t. Yet there is the matter of Ilka, there is the matter of her torn skin.

    The stallion bent to inspect the wounds on her chest. There is no time for please and may I. He just did it, and hoped she would not be offended. As far as Kronk was concerned, this was war. There was no time for pleasantries in war. If pressed, he wouldn’t be sure who they were fighting. He just knew it was not Ledger.

    But, if not Ledger, then who?

    Again the headache. Kronk sighed and tried to focus on Ilka’s wounds. They were ugly, and certainly brutal, but he didn’t think she would bleed out. At least he hoped not. He was certain that there was nothing he could do for her. If it was very bad they may have to take her to the Falls, and beg use of their healing waters. Kronk hoped it would not come to that. They would need to find someone with greater connections then him. He had no favors to call in with Tiberios. He looked back up at Ilka.

    “How do you feel? If you need a healing, we should leave now.”
    If the wounds were bad enough, then they had no time to waste. He hoped she would have a better understanding of what she needed than Kronk could surmise. 

    Kronk was already trying to figure out the fastest way to the falls when Ledger spoke. The tobiano stallion felt his heart fracture again. He looked at the other man, long and hard. Kronk wasn’t cruel, he didn’t want Ledger to leave, to be alone, but what choice did they have? What if he killed someone? How could Ledger live with himself? How could Kronk, knowing that he let it happen? After a very long moment, Kronk spoke.

    “Where would you go?” He didn’t say he should go yet, but neither did he say he should stay. Ledger shouldn’t be alone, but neither should be be allowed to hurt anyone else. As unwillingly as it happened, as much as he didn’t want to, it couldn’t happen again.



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    RE: and at once I knew, I was not magnificent || Any - by Kronk - 10-06-2015, 01:08 AM

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