The chestnut rabicano stallion sighed as he made his way to the fields. He has a fair share rareness to his physic, his coat color was rare and his birth was rare he was a twin to a mare called Keeva, but he didn't let that go to his head. He wasn't big headed nor egotistic in the least, he was more of a gentleman then some of the stallions he has come a crossed. He made his way down a hill leading to the field. He stopped and surveyed the flat plains before him. There were many horses stallions and mares alike. But none of them caught his eye until he looked over to his right to see a rare sight. He smiled softly, he has seen a couple of Zebras in his life time so this one wasn't so different. Yes the animals look the same as the next but their personality's where bigger then themselves. He smiled at the memories of his yearling years and started walking towards the black and white equine before him.
He walked with a kind of gracefulness his neck arched slightly his green eyes wide and interested and his small ears pricked towards his targeted equine. Riordan stopped at a respective distance from the mare and he dipped his head in a polite greeting. "Greetings miss" he said his voice low and velvety. A small smile graced his muzzle as he watched the mare gauging her reaction and her personality. His sister Keeva was more observant then he but he wasn't an airhead in the least. He was more quirky and playful. He flicked his head to get his long forelock out of his bright green eyes to watch the mare with veiled interest. Also he was preparing himself for a shut down or a snap from the mare, he has been told by elder horses that Zebras can be little firecrackers. The possibilitys are endless and it excited the young stallion.
I know I'm not hat perfect. But stay a while and maybe you'll see.