the cat and the fiddle
She looks him up and down for a second chewing on the small green blades. Normally companions were chased away by her initial shut down of conversation, well either that or testosterone riddled males would get the hair brained idea that she was a conquest to trophy. Pah! The nerve, most others response was a snobbed over look and an occassional snide comment. It was pleasent in most senses to be over looked and left to her peace of mind in the shadows. Left much room for collecting secrets. When a another more easy going slice of his lips appears her eyes flash back to a moment in time, not so long ago... or had it been? Well of no consequence... After a moment of glistening green orbs fixed vulnerably on his, she tilts her head back into a shadowed half hooded light. Glancing over her shoulder almost as if some one were watching her from the recesses of the forest. Time blurred the lines of sanity and dreams... or nightmares. They all got muddled in her head. Flicking her ears forward to show him no offense was taken she opens her maw to reply when another shows up. Grumbling to herself she glowers at the the budding flower just under her nostril before ripping it.
Nodding to the new comer she replies none to gruffly, "Hestia" when more tit and tat is struck up between the two muscular creatures in front of her. When the fullage is brought up she adds in a even tone; which for most who had known her a little long than a chance meeting would recognize it as cheery. "And the bitterness of left over pine needles." She pauses for a minute or two allowing the conversation to die down a bit out of her ussual respect for time and the avenues of which it can course through history. "So the Valley, how does it fair these days?" She dirrects the question towards Fennick before addressing Skull as to not allow him to feel ignored. "And Skullu, where is it that you come from?" If she's rude she doesn't really care. It matters not how others think of her, but for herself she sees it as simple and dirrect. She had always been, and would always be a no nonsense girl, ready and witty when the time comes, but never one to dance around the bush