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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    I love fools' experiments. I am always making them.
    Happy October!

    Just to throw in a little variety, I thought I’d bring in a little quiz quest to challenge you!

    How it works: Answer all of the questions (or as many as you can) and pm them to me, or email them to me at all_things_thespian@hotmail.com. Do NOT post your answers here.  You have until October 4th at midnight (PST) to send in them in. After that I will declare a winner (and second place and third), depending upon the number of correct answers (the person with the most correct answers gets first, etc).  If there is a tie, I will go by who sent in the answers first.  I will also post the answers and everyone’s results.

    There is one entry per player.  In your email, please also state your player name and which character will get the prize if you win.

    Fair warning, some of these questions may make your stomach churn.

    And without further ado ...

    1) What parasite of lanternfish feeds on the hosts blood?
    2) What kind of transport does Loma salmonae to travel between the heart and the gills in salmon?
    3) Why is Gyrodactylus unique amongst Mongeneans?
    4) What is an example of a parasite that uses transmammary transmission?
    5) Name all of the life cycle stages of Schistocephalus solidus and in what hosts they occur.
    6) How can Dracunculus medinensis be removed from its host?
    7) What is an inexpensive, commonly used method to diagnose Chagas disease?
    8) What protein secreted by Echinococcus granulosus is able to inhibit elastase activity and neutrophil chemotaxis?
    9) What parasite can you get from getting water in your nose while swimming in a hot spring?
    10) What are the major symptoms of the disease caused by Brugia malayi?
    11) In what form do pentastomids store their carbohydrates?
    12) What parasite tends to drown its hosts and what specific mechanism do they use to do so?
    13) What parasite is currently being tested for potential use in controlling malaria?
    14) What feature of Schistosoma mansoni eggs causes extensive damage to the intestines?
    15) What is the name of the specialized larval stage of certain barnacles that can inject a mass of cells into crustacean hosts (name of the larval stage, not the barnacle)?

    16) What family of filamentous viruses that contain single-stranded DNA, target bacteria pili for cell entry?
    17) What is the nature of the Vitivirus genome (what are the two main characteristics of the genetic material), and what is the size (of the genome)?
    18) What three cytokine receptors does HIV recognize?
    19) What virus does the acetylcholine receptor act as a receptor for?
    20) What are four mechanisms that result in virus translocation across the membrane?
    21) What is epidermodysplasia verruciformis, and what is it caused by?
    22) What property of hemagglutination can be used as a crude measure of viral particle concentration in solution?
    23) What is an example of a virus that prevents MHC I and MHC II expression?
    24) Which viral disease has an approximately 100% mortality rate?
    25) Which family pets can give you a viral disease that causes fever, lack of appetite, headache, muscle aches, nausea, sore throat, coughing, chest pain, vomiting, meningitis and encephalitis?

    26) What two physical forms can asbestos take the shape of?
    27) The veins on jade contain which hazardous fibrated material?
    28) Chrysotile asbestos, when put in a cargille dispersion staining fluid under a polarized light microscope, will typically give you what two colours?
    29) In what year did it become mainstream to use asbestos gypsum board filling compound?
    30) In what year did Canada stop selling chrysotile asbestos?
    31) How many ppm of lead are there allowed in paint British Columbia, Canada?

    32) In Katanagatari, how did Togame get Schichika Yasuri to differentiate herself from other humans?
    33) In which short anime do the main characters have models on their heads?
    34) In Thousand Arms, which main character refers to themself in third person?
    35) What is a double-double, and where can you order it?
    36) In British Columbia, how much Free Available Chlorine must be in a pool that is over 30°C?
    37) What is the 12th rule of the Silly Boat Regatta?
    38) What are Science 10 students expected to know about chemical reactions according to the current British Columbia curriculum?
    39) What is the first line of the prologue in the book called Mistborn?
    40) How does Kamina obtain Gurren in Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann?
    41) How does Nina Tucker die in Full Metal Alchemist?
    42) In The Walking Dead Season One, who puts down Duck?

    Messages In This Thread
    I love fools' experiments. I am always making them. - by The Darwin Faerie - 10-01-2015, 02:15 AM

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