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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    even though it's far from heaven; maybe this could be my haven -any

    the darkest nights produce the brightest stars

    Fennick smiled and nodded slowly, amused by the bluntness of the silver girl. He had a hard time, saying the right thing at the right moment. It helped him, when his companions simply said what they were thinking when they were thinking it. Everything else was indiscernible, like a foreign language carved upon the wall. He quirked a smile at her.

    “How foolish of me, to forget it.” Naturally, Fennick hadn’t forgotten that it was winter. Like a fool, he had simply refused to let it beat him, as if he could do anything but bend beneath the force of mother nature. Still, Fennick was like that, and once he’d gotten a thought in his head it would worry away at it like a dog with a particularly good bone.

    Relentlessness, was what it was called. Pigheaded stupidity, if you were less generous.

    He took in Serafine’s name, and felt the barest hint of her anxiety. It was probably him, Fennick immediately assumed. He had a habit of staring quietly. He’d come to understand that it unnerved people. Still, he listened to her question and tried to make himself seem friendly, less like an avenging angel with his burning eyes and dark wings. He was not sure what success he had, or if he had any at all.

    “No, I’m afraid I’m missing the required parts for admittance to the Jungle.”
    Fennick would have colored a little if his blood wasn’t working overtime to keep him from getting frostbite. The Jungle was a mare’s only kingdom, and Fennick certainly didn’t meet that requirement. Still, he’d give a lot to be warm right now…

    Quickly, he snapped back to attention. Serafine got right down to business, and it left little time for Fennick to scheme admittance to the Jungle. He may be pretty, but it would take more than his good looks to convince anyone that he was a girl.

    “I’m from the Valley.” Fennick titled his head to show her his brand, a cursive V beneath his left eye. It marked his loyalty and devotion to his home.

    “We’re a kingdom south east from here. If we leave right this moment we might make it back there before we give in to hypothermia.” Fennick was only half kidding. It was a bit of a concern, but he wouldn’t let that happen. Fennick still had a little pride, and that bit of dignity wouldn’t allow guests under his care to expire. You had to draw the line somewhere. But, still, no time to waste, he answered her question as simply as we could.

    “The Valley offers complete protection, but demands complete loyalty. Our borders won’t allow anyone with ill intentions to cross. We won’t demand that you take our oath immediately, just that you obey our laws and respect our customs until you make up your mind. The rewards are great for those who are willing to sacrifice. I found purpose there when I needed it most.” That much was true, and Fennick delivered the truth with as much dignity as he could muster. His home was not for everyone, but those who gave their hearts to the Valley got something bigger than themselves in return.  

    Whale and Rea's amorphous, ever-changing son

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    RE: even though it's far from heaven; maybe this could be my haven -any - by Fennick - 09-29-2015, 01:07 AM

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