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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    OPEN: the dead are coming home; ALL KINGDOM [MANDATORY]

    What the actual fuck.

    I have seen magic tear the land apart, and I have seen magic heal impossible cracks. I have watched horses posessed by it and others who used it to further their mission of love. I have seen creatures from the depths of hell inflict untold horrors upon arguably innocent souls. But this, the walls of flame that tower above the Valley, is a new one for me.

    Can you blame me if my first thought (well second, actually, after the eloquent profanity that pours forth from my lips) is of my son? I swear to the gods if he has anything to do with this... my second is of Flamevein, the Valley's resident pyro. I don't hear screams, however, and as I pause to watch the tree become engulfed by the ring of fire I scan the minds of those around me. No one is hurt, although some are startled. Instantly I know exactly who I need to find.

    Going for dramatics now, are we, Demian?” I say wryly as I approach the trio of stallions. “You know you brought down the value of the place by blocking the view.

    I swear to the gods that they probably all got together after drinking one night and thought, You know what we should do? Let's build a wall. Yeah! A flaming wall. Yeah! It'll be fucking awesome! And then we'll invite babes, and only let people in if they have a password! And the password will be dicks!

    Gods, and their minds. They are doing the mind equivalent of pumping fists.

    Frat boys. I live in a land governed by fucking frat boys.

    Still, I am ridiculously open minded. So open-minded, in fact, that I can grasp the fervor with which Demian has pursued the protection of the Valley. I know, perhaps before he does, the extent to which his sacrifice will haunt him. And though I will never say it, my respect for the jaguar king grows. The Valley is in more than capable hands.

    As long as the next thing you do isn't asking us to drink the Kool-Aid, I'm game.” I say easily, shifting the weight of my pregnant belly to alleviate the pressure on my hips.

    When I step forward, however, my eyes light with fire and my voice is more serious than anyone here has ever heard it. See, I will think with amusement as I look back on this day, I can act my age.

    I am the Valley. She is in me and I am in her, and no one will tear us apart. For ages I have lived here and for ages more I will stay. I, Gallows, dedicate myself in service to her.

    Short and sweet and to the point. I am nothing less.

    I cast Flamevein an amused look, breaking the spell of solemnity. “Aim well, pyro boy.

    He does that, at least. I grin as he marks me, his enthusiasm for his flames infectious, blending into my thoughts. It doesn't hurt as much as I expected but I close my eyes and focus my breathing.

    I have always been willing to lay down my life for the Valley. Now, it seems, there will be an outward sign of the devotion I have always had.

    I step back when Flamey is done, waiting to see who else will step forward.

    G A L L O W S
    We must all hang together or, assuredly, we shall all hang separately.

    Messages In This Thread
    RE: the dead are coming home; ALL KINGDOM - by Gallows - 09-28-2015, 09:32 PM

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