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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    this is the light that shines; Tiberios, any

    If Tiberios had known that he was literally being watched by a ghost, he probably would’ve lost a bit of sleep at night. Of course, he knows the figurative saying about being watched by one’s loved ones who are gone (his mother watches over him, he likes to think) but this is a bit more close to home than he realizes. He hasn’t seen Ramiel since the boy was, well, a boy, but that’s obviously changed. In fact, Ramiel is the only sibling of his that he’s ever met. Despite Tiphon’s offspring being plentiful, Tiberios had never run across one of his blood relatives. He doubted he ever wanted to. But Ramiel is different, special, and he knows this. The boy’s mother is important to both Tiberios and Tiphon, and Tiberios had opted to leave the Dale rather than to stay and wallow in pain.

    It would be a bit hard to explain that all to the grown boy now.

    Tiberios certainly can’t call him a boy, he hardly recognizes him as he comes to greet him at the border. There’s a definition to his features that screams Tiphon, but a softness and determination to his eye that reminds him of Talulah. It made it easier to like him, even though they were practically strangers. The charred sabino smiles, ears rising with familial happiness as he stops in his tracks. “Ramiel, it’s been too long.” He begins, unsure of how to proceed. “Please, make yourself at home.” The new king steps aside, amber gaze glancing over his younger half-sibling with sharp curiosity.

    “How’s the Dale? I haven’t heard much since I left.” He comments, openly putting the matter of his past on the table for both of them to acknowledge. He had no shame about his choice to leave, and if Ramiel had other ideas about why he’d gone, then it was because Talulah had chosen not to explain the extent of their history to her son. Despite this all, Tiberios is glad to have Ramiel here. There’s something about family that never fades - and he was willing to help no matter what request the other stallion had.


    king of the falls

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    RE: this is the light that shines; Tiberios, any - by Tiberios - 09-27-2015, 06:44 PM

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