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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    We got that fire, and were burning one hell of a somethin' [any, Cam, Eldrian?]

    we'll be raising our hands shining up to the sky


    Romilly turns her head to take in their small convoy, blinking her eyes against the irritation of dust. Dust had never bothered her before, not in Up. The Gates had little in the way of it, so none there either. Oh, how it burned against her eyes, threatening to draw all moisture from them. The discomforts of Down were never ending it seemed, always another to take up slack for the last. She counted them all, one, two, three, and herself four. All there still, even the little one that had almost not kept up. She hadn't thought to slow, she had never exerted her body in such a way. The fatigue and hunger she felt were odd sensations, ones she did not immediately recognize the importance of. Here though, crossing the sands, she was for the first time feeling dehydrated, thirsty. She didn't say anything to the others, doing her best to turn away when her tongue scraped along her jaw. Failed attempts to draw some sort of moisture trapped in her mouth. Guthrie did not complain either, not out loud, but the worried glances, the surprised looks he gave his sister. That was enough.

    Bly was perhaps the most frightened, even though she was eldest. Romilly could see it in her eyes, the way they frantically searched behind them.  The girl would give herself whiplash if she was not too careful. She offered what she could of a smile to the dappled boy closing in, she was sorry she could not help him more. Down made the body weak, the mind slow, or so it seemed. Reactions sometimes seemed to late where they were needed. Luckily this last time, they had not been. They had scampered, escaped, and now they were smack dab right where they were told to be. Guthrie lifts his head and Rom soon follows suit, he's spotted someone approaching, apprehension crossing his starlit eyes. She doesn't seem too put out by their sudden house call, but she doesn't know why they are there either. Guthrie isn't sure that she would be so quick to care of she knew they were seeking refuge from War.

    It was War, to him, in all aspects of the word. From what he knew so far in this strange life was, his people were peaceful. They had kept to themselves, they had often been the broken down or simply broken creatures who had no where else to go. No where else they might fit in and be accepted, and they were attacked. For what? For a Queen that sat on the throne of an all but fading Kingdom. No, he didn't think so, but he did not trouble the others with his thoughts. He is surprised to see the other male speak right up, address the golden woman that found them. She was an exotic creature, wings, gleaming skin. An accent so unfamiliar he could barely understand her.

    Romilly steps up near the boy, the one who has just given his name 'Eldrian'. They have not previously met, she can't say she had even seen his Mother on their walks through the Gates. He was kin though, part of the little home they had been given, the cards they had drawn in this life. "Yes ma'am. Our sister," She thinks it odd to use that word, sure the girl was her sister here in Down. Of this flesh and blood they were kin, but not truly. "Our sister bid us to run, to come to the Deserts. Mother is pregnant, the Sire hails from this Kingdom. Perhaps she thought we might be welcome here, there wasn't much time. We won't be any trouble." As if to solidify this Guthrie shakes his head, they would be well behaved.

    Messages In This Thread
    RE: We got that fire, and were burning one hell of a somethin' [any, Cam, Eldrian?] - by Romilly and Guthrie - 09-25-2015, 08:43 PM

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