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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    where nature unmakes the boundary; narya
    He’d known the answer to his question, and shakes his feathered head even as Narya does. The Moon speaks to few, and shows to even fewer. The odds that She might have Chosen this wingless mare to receive Her wisdom were slim, and he’d known it. The Moon has turned Her face from Ruhr, but he knows She is still discerning. She would choose only one that he would know on sight.

    Narya continues, explaining that rather than the Moon, she speaks with ghosts. Ruhr has never given much thought to ghosts, but he has Seen the dead in Her visions, and Narya’s confession is yet another embodiment of the strange magic that empowers so many in Beqanna. It’s met with a blink, and a then faint lift of his pale feathered brow as he considers - then quickly decides it not odd enough to remark upon.

    ‘What kind of things does she say to you’. He blinks rheumy eyes, suddenly trying to remember what they’d been talking about.
    Who she was.
    That must be remarkable - it had been, he was.


    She’s still speaking, and sounds admiring, so he must not have been lost too long in whatever place his thoughts had taken him. At this phase of the moon, it can be seconds or hours, pausing midstep to let the magic of immortality heal the incessant degradation of advanced age, to restart his heart, rebuild his lungs, repair his thoughts.

    This is Ruhr’s least favorite age to be and he swears he’s been this age for a decade now - unchanging. But can he trust his memory, or is that new as well?

    ‘What kind of things does she say to you.’ “She speaks to me of the future.” He replies truthfully, his voice rasping and dry. “All of the futures, though mostly of my own.” That he does not have much of a future seems apparent. The old stallion gingerly adjusts his neck, uncomfortable from his earlier efforts at civility.

    He can feel himself slipping again, and he does not want to. He asks Her for a moment, for a sign, for proof of anything at all. He knows better than to test Her, but he’s mostly dead anyway and She seems unlikely to remember him.

    “Would you like me to look for your future?” There’s a brightness to his rheumy eyes now, the intensity of his avian gaze warming. She has never denied him a Vision for another. He has not asked Her for one in ages, not since She began to ignore his calls.


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    RE: where nature unmakes the boundary; narya - by Ruhr - 11-05-2024, 09:20 PM

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