08-31-2024, 10:45 AM
In his time in Beqanna, Ruhr has learned that the place is a primitive one. The Moon had shown him why; he had watched their countless calamities in Her glittering reflection. It was difficult, he supposes, to keep a society going in such a world, and yet the Moon has kept him here. He thinks, sometimes, that She might want him to help rebuild it.
He thinks it, and yet he has never dreamed it, never seen it in a vision.
And so he does nothing.
Nothing but wander, and wait, and seek out those touched by Her silver glow.
“There are fewer than there once were,” admits the aged stallion once called Cloudbreaker, Seventh Tribune of Stratos, Cardinal of the Southern Windwalkers. He does not think of them often, those markers of a lost world, and he does not especially miss them.
The mare looks up toward the Moon, and Ruhr watches quietly. She will not speak to the mare, Ruhr knows, but he wonders if perhaps Zohariel will try. If she had, there’d been no answer, and Ruhr pulls his gaze from the mare to look back at the Moon as well.
“Sometimes.” He replies somberly. “She is louder here than she was in Stratos, but she speaks less often.”
He thinks it, and yet he has never dreamed it, never seen it in a vision.
And so he does nothing.
Nothing but wander, and wait, and seek out those touched by Her silver glow.
“There are fewer than there once were,” admits the aged stallion once called Cloudbreaker, Seventh Tribune of Stratos, Cardinal of the Southern Windwalkers. He does not think of them often, those markers of a lost world, and he does not especially miss them.
The mare looks up toward the Moon, and Ruhr watches quietly. She will not speak to the mare, Ruhr knows, but he wonders if perhaps Zohariel will try. If she had, there’d been no answer, and Ruhr pulls his gaze from the mare to look back at the Moon as well.
“Sometimes.” He replies somberly. “She is louder here than she was in Stratos, but she speaks less often.”