Bounding from side to side excitedly, awaiting the confirmation that our fathers were the same, I am only slightly disappointed when I am told they are not. Phoebus says his name, but I brush the thought away with my next yammering of questions. "So, what does your fire do?!" I say with wide eyes, expecting something as grand as my own powers. Ones that I haven't quite yet mastered fully. "Obliviously mine are all over my body, like I'm one GIANT fire ball. Oh, and my wings of fire of course! But I have these little floating balls of fire that follow me, I don't think the DO anything though, and I breathed fire once... I can't control it. Not yet anyhow but I'm practicing," my brow furrows for a second, allowing him time to respond before I add, "Ooooo would you help me practice? Vic was helping me but since he's gone you could help me instead! I know the perfect place! In the canyons where I can't burn anything... I started the meadow one fire once. Mom was very worried, but it was fine in the end. That's when we moved to the Dale. She said it was safer..." The true reason they moved to the Dale was protection from Zain, but I wasn't aware of that.
Prancing along the beaten path of the border I chatter away. My father follows only a few steps behind. His red glowing eyes never losing sight of me and suspiciously eyeing my brother. I hardly notice and only call back to ask of the canyons, "Father, can we go to the canyons tomorrow so I can practice my fire breathing with my big brother?!" A simple Yes of course Dear is song sweetly into the air as he agrees. I squeal in delight and continue on down the path.
Fire Mimicry- Foxfire, Phoenix-Type Immortality, Fire Wings