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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [private]  Say What You Wanna Say |Red.Opium|

    Blindly I wander forwards.  My ears trained on the mare beside me, carefully analyzing the sound of her steps and my vicinity to them.  This whole blind thing was more complex than my mind could handle.

    I come from a vast, arid desert territory... A very tumultuous realm plagued with misery and suffering where those who surv— Shift right three steps, you’re headed directly towards a boulder.

    Before my brain realizes what exactly the red mare is saying to me, I hear her shift right quickly and I follow instinctively.  I manage to shuffle right just in time and only clip the edge of my hoof on the large stone.  I want to curse out loud, but I refrain.  The mare continues her description of her homeland and I begin to wonder if she found herself in a better place...

    Those who proved their strength with survival were only utilized as pawns to be used in the constant warring of control. Constant violence, never-ending bloodshed.

    It wasn't an unfamiliar story.  Bloodshed, conniving, misery...  More and more I wonder if every fabric of life is weaved from the threads of despair.  I give a shrug of my winged shoulder followed with a simple snicker, "What doesn't kill us makes us stronger right?"  Or I guess paranoid, depressed, untrusting, etc etc.

    "Well Tephra is nothing like a desert that's for sure.  It has had its fair share of bloodshed but nothing of the malevolent type," I enlighten my travel companion to possibly ease some discontent.  "My family thought it was worth fighting for at least," my knowledge only coming from a vision I had not more than a day ago.  I chuckle as I meander blindly, "Hell, even now, blind and losing my mind a little, I feel Tephra is worth the..." My sentence drags as I stop in my tracks.  My whitewall world begins flickering, bits and pieces of my known world returning.  Or so I think it was my world...

    The forest lined riverbed stabilizes and in the distance, I can see something... purple?  I step forwards, bringing myself closer.  Unsure if it is real I try to warn Red of the stranger ahead, but my voice is nothing but a senseless murmur.  Oh great...

    Having my vision back I cautiously creep towards the stranger, intrigue fueling my pursuit.  As I near where the purple stranger had disappeared to, I can hear splashing of water and sharp tones.  Looking towards the river I can see two figures within the water; a purple winged stallion(Klaudius-my grandsire) and an unnamed deep avocado green tinted mare.  Remaining hidden in the thicket of willows I watch the interactions curiously...

    Sorry but you CANT leave.  I told you I needed something and YOU will be giving me it you dirty slut.  You started this game and I WILL be finishing it...

    Back away from me you blubbering fool!  Back away!

    He doesn't back away and soon they are sinking deeper into the depths of the water.  Vines of bramble begin to intertwine the pair, and I watch in horror at the acts I witness.  If I had been of my world that moment I would have sprung to the lady's rescue, ripping my pale lavender lineage from his grasp on the green women.  But I know I am nothing but an apparition here and anything I say or do would be for not.  This was my curse; to know my family and the evil they have cast upon these lands.

    The scene fades away in a blur of struggle and strife, the blank brightness returning once more.  Red voice is muffled at first, filled with concern.  I shake my head, awakening me from my trance.  The kneading of paws on my back and a quiet mew brings me to realize I am now back within my current circumstance.  "Gods damn these visions!  I take it back!  I take wanting to know my family back, you hear me!"  I shout aloud as if the fairies were before me, mocking me.

    Turning to the direction of Reds voice I speak to her with a new determination, "We need to get to the Mountain and fast!"  My new realization that my family wasn't as great as I have always known -no hoped- was becoming clearer.  "Run ahead and I'll follow behind.  I can't take another one of those visions.  My grandfather was a monster, and I can't believe I was created from that piece of shit!"  Klaudius' memory was nothing worth keeping alive and for my parents to have created me from his very ashes started to make me feel ill inside.

    Say What You Wanna Say

    //Equus Ferrum-Wings-Glowing-Immortality\\
    :||: Physical Appearance :||:
    See reference. Occasional glowing lines that look like lightning in reference.
    Will at times have iron armor or iron trinkets

    Messages In This Thread
    Say What You Wanna Say |Red.Opium| - by Kreation - 07-21-2024, 06:19 PM
    RE: Say What You Wanna Say |Red.Opium| - by Kreation - 08-04-2024, 08:02 AM

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