The whole ordeal had been tiring, but I was no quitter and so we pressed on.
Phoebus departed, unfinished business of some sort. He said he would meet us in Tephra, should it ever rise. I begin to wonder but something in my bones knew that eventually it had to come back. Tephra couldn’t possibly be gone forever, could it?
I turned my tattered face to Red, my eyes still blank with direction, but I guessed she was somewhere to the right. “Alright Red, you don’t mind me calling you Red right?” I pause briefly for a response then continue, “You remember that mountain I pointed out earlier right. Well, that’s our destination. Since I can’t see, you’ll have to get us back there. Sound like a plan?!” Admittedly it wasn't much of a plan per say.
Fifi fidgets upon my back, peeking from my shoulder into the distance. A gentle mew comes from it, and I nod my head gently, “Yes, yes. We are going to get you home one way or another.” I reassure the glowing feline that sits upon my back. I'd fashion a portal to get it back to Tephra if I had to! Somehow.
Folding my wings neatly to my sides, I begin to step forward gingerly. This would be the slowest walk of my life; I could see it now.
The silence was deafening and so I inquired of my traveling companion, “So where did you come from exactly?” It was a forward question, but I was a very forward creature. Habits die hard and I wasn’t about to change now.