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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [private]  ReBeL jUsT fOr KiCkS[Aurora & Phoebus]


    It tugged at her heart to see Vic vanish into the darkness.  His heart was kind, much too kind for this world.

    Jack departs moments later with a goodbye nuzzle to her velvet skin.  She smiles, knowing with Jack that her son would be in good hands.

    Turning to her eldest she smiles an almost convincing smile, that her heart wasn't breaking but at the same time, it was mending.  He begins to speak to her, unburdening all his troubles into the open air.  He had grown into such a kind soul, but like his father, his troubles bound him to a life of regrets.

    She listens intently as they walk, simply allowing him this time to decompress.  And when he is finished, the quiet of the night surrounding them, she says simply, "I am glad you came back."  Her milky white muzzle reaches for him and brushes along his neck.

    They walk in silence for some time when a call reaches her ears, causing them to turn back. "Escense!"  She turns around quickly and lunges forward to meet her.  They embrace for only a second before the girl is peeling from her.  She looks over her daughter, finding nothing but flames as usual, but she asks in a whispered breath anyway, "Are you ok?"  The filly nods, prancing about in place and excitedly showing off her fiery wings.  Look mom I did it!  My wings, they don't leave me anymore!  She nods in response, hearing Zain mutter something and Phoebus responding.

    Escence is quick to join her father and begin questioning the new fire armored figure.  When she hears Phoebus is her brother she is squealing in delight as usual.  

    She allows them that moment before joining the group with thundering steps.  With ears pinned and the look of royally pissed off on her delicate face, her petite frame marches up to Zain with harsh words, "Who do you think you are?!  How dare you come into my home and steal my children and tell absolutely NO ONE!  I was worried sick!"  

    A snort vibrates from her nostrils as she stares into the face of the ghastly creature.  His sickening smirk made her want to kick it right off his face.  It occurs to her just then that they were not supposed to know where Vic went and so she adds, "Where is Eviction?  What did you do to my son!"  

    Escense's eyes lowered, and her excitement dwindled as she stood head low and slouched, realizing now the worry they had put her mother through.  But at the mention of Vic, she pipes up, Vic's fine mother, really.

    The undead thing just stares at her, the same smirk plastered across his half-torn face as she demands answers.  Her heart was racing, the rage boiling over inside of her.

    She hardly waits for answers, because truthfully, she didn't care about anything else other than taking her children home, "Come on Escense, we are going to get your brother and we are going home."

    As she pulls away from Zain and begins to turn towards the Dale, Escence begins her plea to stay.  Please mom can I stay with Dad?  Just for a little while longer.  I'm learning so much! 

    Her caramel ears flick back, baffled at what the child says.  Stay?  Here?  With him!?  Turning to look upon her daughter that is still at her father's side, her heart sinks.  But she can see in the fillies eyes the sincerity of her words.  Nearly speechless, her eyes shift from Escense, to Zain, to Phoebus.  She wouldn't be able to protect the girl forever, especially one as free spirited as Escense, so she does what every mother must do at some point, "If that is what you really want then I will not make you leave."  The child was nearly two years old and trying to contain her would send her further into defiance.

    The girl perks up and rushes to her, giving her a warm hug before returning quickly to her father's side.  She sighs in defeat, looking now to Phoebus with pleading eyes.

    Not all that glitters is gold

    @Phoebus Kinda threw them all in so feel free to go next as Aurora sulks away xD  Protect my baby girl! <3
    //Healing-Peacock Wings(flightless)\\

    Messages In This Thread
    ReBeL jUsT fOr KiCkS[Aurora & Phoebus] - by Zain - 07-07-2024, 12:03 PM
    RE: ReBeL jUsT fOr KiCkS[Aurora & Phoebus] - by AuroraElis - 07-08-2024, 08:59 PM

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