Within the white wall world I now reside I struggle to gather my bearings. The vision I just had replays in the stark white of my mind and breaking through the static of white noise is soon a voice I recognize as Phoebus. I say his name aloud, my head turning awkwardly as I hear his voice coming from my left side, "Phoebus?"
His comments are enough for me to confirm that it is indeed him and I snort in vexation at his questions. "Ha ha ha. Laugh it up chuckles..." My tone is of obvious annoyance as my head turns once again. "I didn't SAY anything... I was just looking for my family, hoping to find the others gathered to bring them back, but then there was this bright light and... Well. Ya."
I lower my head cautiously, unsure if there is anything below me. My nares flare attempting to scent the fish cat, "Where is Fifi? You didn't lose it did you?!" I snort before I can hear a soft meow and the pattering of webbed feet on my back. "Thank fucking God!" Finding another piece of Tephra blind would have been the highlight of my existence...
With a wide berth from the snickering of the fire boy, my legs reach forward, drawing myself farther from the river's edge. Not having heard the others voice I inquire, "You scare Red off?" It would have been the least shocking thing in my last couple days if he did, being as warm and fuzzy as the armored stallion is.