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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [private]  ReBeL jUsT fOr KiCkS[Aurora & Phoebus]

    The pair soon arrive at the northwestern corner of Pangea.  It is where he started his patrol of the border every night.  He is in no hurry as they walk along, speaking of her childhood but most importantly her powers.

    They had fleshed out the wings that remain attached to her sides as they traverse the barren lands.  Every so often she would lift them away from her frame to ensure they were still there.  And each time she did he would snicker to himself.

    She speaks of the fire breathing next, how it had come about while her and her brother were practicing just before he had shown up to receive them.  His thoughts muse at how he could provoke such a magic with endless potential.  It wasn't an inner poison that could be twisted at will to crawl from one's unconscious.  It was an explosive volatile magic meant to do nothing but harm.  Such a gift.

    Then she speaks of the lake and river.  How she loved playing in the cool liquid, which he nearly shudders at the thought.  Water was his least favorite thing in this world and kept far from it if possible.  His curiosity though sparks his question, "Doesn't the water douse your flames?"  It was only natural for water to counteract fire.  "It used to when I was little but not anymore," she explains.  "Interesting," he murmurs to himself.

    Though they converse he has not lost the purpose of why they are walking the well beaten path.  His red eyes shift about, searching for any signs of life.  Here at the north not much encroaches as far as vegetation, but as they near the west brush and grasses begin to thicken.

    At first, he doesn't see the pair ahead, but he can smell something amiss.  It wasn't the smoke and charcoal of the fire plated stallion, but the soft floral scent of the delicately dressed mare.  

    They break into a slight clearing, and he sees the faint glint of flame.  The undead thing knows too well why they are here and so he does not rush to them but walks at a leisurely pace as he has done thus far.  Escense soon sees the light and he can almost hear the flutter of her heart as she gasps a hopeful breath.  "Vic?" She whispers in almost an inaudible tone.  "No," He says, even though he doubted she meant for it to be heard.

    The pitch black of night hid the feathered mare from sight for quite some time.  Even as they neared to speaking distance, she was hard to see.  But the refracted light off her iridescent plumage shimmered as they got closer, pulling more words from the girl's lips.  "Mother?!"  She squeals as she now can recognize one of the two gathered here.  He allows her to brush past him to greet her mother.  The undead thing would not deny her of that, but as he settles to a stand near the duo of trespassers his eyes fixate on the fiery creature.

    An impish grin curls his tattered lips, smoke curling from the gaps in his flesh, pluming as he speaks, "Welcome to Pangea friend."  His one ear turns towards the mare and their daughter, listening to the content of their conversation consisting of the usual 'how do you dos', and the whispered, 'are you oks'.  He chimes in while his attention is outwardly still fixated on the fire rimmed stallion, "I am not a monster, and I would never dream of harming my own daughter."  

    He can see the glow of Escence wings as she expands them from her sides, showing them off proudly to her mother.  His grin, that had never left his face, grows more as his pitless red eyes stare at the stranger, "I don't believe we have met.  My name is Zain, guardian of Pangea and servant of Carnage."  He doesn't ask for the others name as he has a sneaking suspicion it wouldn't come if he prompted for it, "And this is the pride and joy of my life, my daughter Escence."  Only now does his head turn to the fiery girl still trying to convince her mother that she is fine. 

    At mention of her name, she turns to the male figures and bows her flame laced face in greeting.  She pulls away from her mother to stand next to the undead being that is her father, "Hello, what's your name?  How do you know my mother?"  She says curiously with her usual bright smile.  He could always count on her to carry a conversation with more enthusiasm than he ever could.  His gaze returns to the stallion, awaiting the mystery to be solved.

    ReBeL jUsT fOr KiCkS

    I kinda wrote both Zain and Escence in one thread with a bit of Aurora interaction.  Escence is "speaking" and Zain is "speaking"
    @ AuroraElis
    *Be Warned*
    Possesses health transference
    and may steal your health.
    //Blight-Undead Appearance-Fire Mimicry-Fire Immunity-Health Transference-Shadows\\
    Fire Mimicry- Glowing, Radiant Heat (warm to burning), Aesthetic Smoke

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    ReBeL jUsT fOr KiCkS[Aurora & Phoebus] - by Zain - 07-07-2024, 12:03 PM

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