It has been a very long time since he had been visited by the Cloud Fairy, but he is not really the most proficient in social endeavors. But at last, he feels as though he has done just enough to fulfill the requirements of his mission, and if he is quite honest with himself, he is grateful for the gentle prodding. He has genuinely enjoyed meeting a few new faces; perhaps the encounters hadn’t been the most positive, but he’s noticed that his loneliness seems to be diminishing somewhat. In addition, he’s also learning to give others a chance to show their true natures, rather than making rash decisions (usually isolating himself) based on hasty presumptions.
So, it is with a touch of confidence that he returns to the Mountain, to see if the Cloud Fairy is pleased with his efforts, or if he still has some work to do.
@Cloud Fairy, here are his threads: and
Deiti: misses her home, Ischia, and has a dark secret that she’s unwilling to talk about
Hourglass: her paternal ancestors were some of the first Glass horses in BQ