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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [open]  Not All That Glitters is Gold[Family]
    Much had changed within him in the months since he met Kreation in the meadow. 

    He knew his home was within reach - the metal mare had told him as much. He knew his father had been reborn, much to his chagrin. More importantly, though, Phoebus knew that his mother was alive, and he knew she resided in the Dale. Today, that is where the boy of fire ended up. 

    It took some courage to leave the meadow, to choose to reunite with the one who gave him life, who nourished him, who loved him so truly and deeply. Phoebus secretly hoped his father wouldn't be there, that he would've made some detour. He needed to talk to his mother, to hear her sweet voice. He was just a child when he left Tephra - only with age can one realize how young they truly were. He knew it broke his mother's heart to lose both her lover and her child in one fell swoop...but Phoebus didn't have the strength to stay in Tephra after Rou's untimely death. Would his mother even recognize him? 

    The Dale reminds Phoebus a lot of his old home, the one he'd left so long ago. There was no volcano, no lava, no sulfured scent; but it was rocky, worn, and ancient. He finds that it is almost second nature to find his footing atop the rocks, bounding from boulder to boulder, like he did in the more rocky areas of Tephra. He makes his way from the rocky hills, down to the greenery at the center of the kingdom. He lets out a relieved sigh - he was here, and he could finally find his mother. Phoebus is surprised at how little effort he puts in to finding her - he recognizes her cadence as it dances on the wind to his ears. His mother sounds panicked, and it immediately sends a shiver down Phoebus's spine. He quickens his gate, following the sound of her shouting. 

    Jack? Eviction? Escense?  

    Phoebus's brow furrows. He doesn't recognize these names, but he doesn't really care. He knows his mother's voice. When he finally finds her, she is standing in front of the mouth of cave, not unlike the one he was born in. However, she is not alone. 

    Three figures crowd around Aurora, all rather close together. From the trees, Phoebus is shadowed, but he knows it won't last for long - his glowing armor would give him away eventually. One stands particularly close to her, nuzzling her tenderly. Phoebus feels a pull at his heart - she found another lover. Phoebus feels a swell of sadness overcome him - a moment of empathy for his father, if only for a fleeting second. Did he know? Or was he caught up in some illusion that Aurora never found another lover? He couldn't be quite sure, but he listens to their conversation intently. 

    AuroraElis mentions that she is looking for "the twins." It doesn't take Phoebus very long to realize that those twins are...hers. Tears well in the fire boy's eyes as he watches her, frantically asking who had seen them last. Is this how she acted when he disappeared? He couldn't imagine the pain, the confusion she must've felt...that she surely felt for years following his leave of absence. Phoebus decides not to waste a second more - he emerges from the trees, azure eyes staring only at his mom. He didn't make any introductions, there was no grand fanfare - he walked towards his mother. 

    He'd grown to tower over her. He looks at her, takes a deep breath, and speaks. 

    "Mom...let me help you find them." 

    @ AuroraElis 
    @Jack in the Box

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    RE: Not All That Glitters is Gold[Family] - by Phoebus - 06-24-2024, 08:35 PM

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