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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [private]  I'm Gonna Own This Curse[Zain]

    There was a light footedness in his step as he crossed the lands between the Gates and Pangea.  He had somehow swindled a trade of entities with the golden Queen, ridding his barren home of the tropical eye sore of healing.  The thought alone causes the bitter taste of bile on his tongue. 

    As he crossed the borders his eyes scanned the terrain.  Partially looking to where the bloody statue came to rest, and partially seeking out his captives.  Surely, they would not defy his strict orders of remaining within the holy kingdom.

    His long lanky stride moves him quickly across the cracked dust of Pangea.  But it isn't far, and he comes up on a familiar but unfamiliar figure on the horizon.  His brow peaks in curiosity at first but as he nears, he realizes something is amiss.  Something about his son's color has changed.  A change only magic was capable of, he is sure.

    “Where have you been?”  He says with an accusing voice.  The boy spins around, clearly surprised at the sudden noise from behind.  The undead thing stops, suspicion rising as the boy stutters nervously.

    The creature knows sickness and knows health.  His facial features display a look of disbelief at his son's words.  “Is that so,” he says plainly, “let's test that theory shall we.”  He is about to uncurl the black magic within him until a chipper voice calls out, Vic!  Where have you been??  I've been looking everywhere for you.  What happened to your flames?!  It is none other than his fiery daughter that now approaches with questions of her own.  “Yes Vic, please do tell,” the words are thick with sarcasm. 

    As he awaits the lie he is sure is to come, he reaches his black fingered threads towards his son.  They stroke the edges of his now dark facade, tasting the health within the boy.  As suspected, there is no hint of disease, no taste of illness.  The only outward indicator of him knowing is the tightening of the remaining muscle in his jaw. 

    More uncertain words fall from the colt's lips and though his sister is quick to console him, the undead thing is even quicker to interject.

    “Boy, do you take your father for a fool?  You really think you can pull the wool over my eyes,” his words are harsh as he steps towards Eviction.  “I know disease and you, my son, are far from infested.  A liar yes, but ill no,” as he says the words every living piece of vegetation surrounding them begins to wither.  The twins notice, looking at their surroundings in cowering stances.

    His gaze does not shift from the masked boy like theirs dart about in angst.  He knows what his powers have done fore he instructed it so.  The glowing red of his eyes brighten, puffs of smoke rise from his undead lips. 

    The boy begins an apology of sorts, shifting his eyes between his father and sister.  Escence stands next to her father, just slightly behind, and watches nervously.  He speaks again, “I told you to stay in Pangea!  I'm not sure what you think you are doing but I will not stand for this disobedience. And I surely will not allow you to influence your sister in this way either…” 

    His view shifts then, to his precious darling daughter before he continues, “Eviction, you will be going to the kingdom called the Gates.  There you will represent Pangea and your family.  You will learn, obey and report your findings back to me when I come to check in on you…” he pauses briefly while shifting his view again, “if you feel like defying these orders you WILL fall ill… very ill I assure you.” 

    Both twins look at him with disbelief, unsure of what to do or say.  “Come daughter, say goodbye to your brother and let him be on his way,” his body turns, bringing his muzzle to brush along her flame covered neck.  Slowly she walks up to Vic, red eyes watering as she embraces him.  I'll come visit soon, ok?  Just be good and father will let you come home.  I'll talk to him.  Love you Vic…  She peels away from him, returning to her father's side.

    The creature turns his head to now look in a southernly direction, “Go as far south as you can.  When the fields turn lavender, you will be in the Gates.  Find Myrna, their Queen, she is expecting you.  You will address her as your Majesty.”  He turns to walk off with Escence, and within a stride or two he stops and calls back to his son, “Do not disappoint me Vic.”  With that the pair heads off towards the heart of the desert lands.

    ReBeL jUsT fOr KiCkS
    *Be Warned*
    Possesses health transference
    and may steal your health.
    //Blight-Undead Appearance-Fire Mimicry-Fire Immunity-Health Transference-Shadows\\
    Fire Mimicry- Glowing, Radiant Heat (warm to burning), Aesthetic Smoke

    Messages In This Thread
    I'm Gonna Own This Curse[Zain] - by Eviction - 06-24-2024, 07:54 AM
    RE: I'm Gonna Own This Curse[Zain] - by Zain - 06-24-2024, 06:32 PM
    RE: I'm Gonna Own This Curse[Zain] - by Eviction - 06-24-2024, 08:32 PM

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