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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [open]  Not All That Glitters is Gold[Family]
    It’s been a long journey for Jack. He’s exhausted from the pleading and torment he had endured for the fae. He lowers himself to the ground at the base of the Mountain and rolls around to release the stress he has held for so long, since Zain had found them.

    He groans as he flops to one side, but it feels different. It feels as if he has extra weight attached to him. He immediately assumes the fairies have punished him again, but he did his due diligence with freeing Sheer from the brambles. He rolls to his other side, kicking his legs in the air trying to balance himself as he flops over to his other side and again, he feels something strange has happened to him.

    He groans as he gets up and shakes his body, but as he does white feathered wings open on his side. He is startled as he turns his head to get a better view. They listened to him finally! He is no longer an ugly creature of the underworld, but in fact an angel from above. He excitedly prances in place for a moment before he trots off with his wings spread wide showing them off to all that will listen.

    “How does one fly?” He asks himself as he picks up a canter and canters a circle trying to get momentum before he leaps himself in the air, scrambling his legs before he lands hard, skidding the ground leaving a trail from where he took off to how far he slid after landing. His ears flick backwards annoyed. “Amenadiel makes it look so easy!” He grumbles under his breath. He takes a deep breath and tries again, each time ending like the last.

    The sun is setting and he doesn’t want to be looking like prey for whatever could be lingering around each corner. He stands tall, seeing a slight circular glow that is in front of him. He turns around quickly, hitting himself with his newfound wings, unable to find the source. He raises his head up to the sky, thinking it might be the starlight emerging through the night sky.

    He walks to a nearby stream, lowers his head and is startled to find that the glow is from his head. “Let’s go find Aurora,” he smiles as he canters off to find the others. He shakily opens his wings, not having the muscles yet for them as he once again tries to lift himself in the air and thinks deeply about trying to control his wings and he does!

    He has made it above ground, hovering before falling again. A sharp pain shoots through his leg. His head shoots up, whites of eyes illuminating the night with the glow of his halo as he limps around. He lays down, resting as he nurses his wounded ankle. He closes his eyes falling asleep under the calming glow of his newfound ability.

    He dreams of his family. The glow and irridescence of Aurora’s blue, green and gold feathers that line her body. The fiery glow of the twins flames that flick and fly around them, melding together.

    Birds chirp as the sunlight breaks through the dawn. He gets up, expecting his ankle to give out from under him, but instead it feels like nothing happened.

    He slowly makes his way back home to the Dale, excited to show his family his new abilities. As he goes, he practices flying each time getting better than the last. His stamina still low, but slowly improving.

    It isn’t until he makes his way over the border of the Dale where he sees the glimmer feathers over the horizon. He hesitates before cantering over to Aurora. He’s unsure if she missed him or didn't realize he was gone. His excitement overtakes his hesitation. He whinnies excitedly as he canters to her. He nuzzles her and holds her close against him, feeling her feathers rub up against his feathers.

    Messages In This Thread
    RE: Not All That Glitters is Gold[Family] - by Jack in the Box - 06-24-2024, 09:53 AM

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