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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [open]  boy of fire [any]

    The plan was to fly to the Mountain to see if the others had gathered there.  The plan was NOT to have run into the fae, NOT to have prompted their interest in my internal musings of my family(which I believe to be in Tephra still).  And surely it was NOT my plan to go blind!  Obviously, I was piss poor at planning...

    The bright flash of light around me faded abruptly, but it did not disappear from my vision.  I stood there, blinking in rapid succession, trying to clear the disruption from my view.  I shake my head, stomp my hooves, grit my teeth.  "Fucking fairies," I murmur beneath my breath.

    I do not dare take to the skies and so I plod along with heavy steps, my wings held taunt against my barrel.  I go in the direction I believe I wished to return to, but really, I had no fucking clue where I was going.

    My steps are slow as I maneuver the best I can in my rather now bright world.  Perhaps it had been the flash of light that burned my retinas, but I wouldn't have thought not seeing would have been so blindingly bright!

    "Ok, Kreation, think.  How else can I navigate this?" I say to myself as I take another step, then a second.  Frustration begins to build, and I snort in annoyance.  "Ugh whatever!"  I call upon my magics and gather the iron ore within the earth to bend and meld into armor.

    Soon my face is covered with a shield and my breast collar is seated within armor plates along my chest and shoulders.  There was more than one way to skin a cat and though my way is the least finesse, it'll get the job done.

    With head lowered I stomp onwards.  Tree saplings snap and brush cracks as I resume at a steady pace, batter raming my way through the area.  Only when I meet an unmoving foe do I bend my path.  No sense in fighting with tree trunks and boulders.

    It isn't long and I finally feel the splash of knee-high water at my hooves.  The river!  Now we were getting somewhere.

    My crossing of it is ungraceful as I trudge through the muck and drag myself up the embankment on the other side.  I stumble over a river rock or two but eventually make my way onto land.  My nares flare drawing in the all too familiar scent of the meadow.  Curse this place!  I wanted nothing more than to have my nostrils burn of sulfur and smoke.

    Sulfur and smoke...  Fire.  Fire boy!

    I lift my head higher than before, drawing in a deep breath and choking out the sweet fragrance of clover blossoms.  If I could just catch his... Suddenly I am reeling backwards, winged appendages flailing about, as the view of the area comes to me abruptly.  My heavy iron face turns and sees the lush green grasses, the scarce trees dotted about the landscape and a familiar face.  Not one that I have seen before but one of kinness.  The iron sheets of his body unmistakable to a creature such as myself.  He is speaking to another, a brightly feathered mare.  I straighten my stance, collecting my limbs beneath me as I make a motion to approach.

    For a moment I believe I can see again and I am approaching two strangers in the meadow.  My eyes are wide and curious as I look to them, but they do not acknowledge me, even after I greet them with a kind hello.  My head tilts in confusion, were they really fucking ignoring me.  "I said, HELLO!"  I snort out in irritation.  Apparently, everyone was trying my patience today.

    Again, I am unanswered as they speak to one another.  My amethyst ears twist as I overhear names and mention of my birthplace.  "Krom!"  I shout gleefully with the happiest of smiles as I near them and query, "Tephra?  Where?  It is back?  But h..." My smile fades as I realize they have not acknowledged me at all.  

    I reach out to touch the iron clad stallion, but my nose passes through the intangible apparition.  Stepping back, I watch as they continue their conversation.  The mare suddenly sounds hostile as Krom, my father, speaks of challenging for Tephra.  Soon the interaction concludes as the peafowl mare takes off.

    When she fades into the brilliant orange sky the bright white abyss returns.  "Aughhh!" I cry out in almost pain as I stumble backwards once again.  

    "What the fuck is going on?!" I say aloud to myself, but my baritone voice carries to the sensitive ears of Fifi.

    The fish cat perks up at the feet of the two temporary guardians.  With no more than a quiet meow the feline leaps forward, bounding off to the south and towards the river.  Its body illuminates an array of purples and aqua blues, signaling its location to the others.  If they were to follow.

    Say What You Wanna Say


    Throwing this up there with some fairy blindness and visions of her father.  If it makes no sense that's ok, the only part that really matters is the end paragraph where Fifi runs off

    Messages In This Thread
    boy of fire [any] - by Phoebus - 05-12-2024, 08:37 PM
    RE: boy of fire [any] - by Kreation - 05-14-2024, 07:04 PM
    RE: boy of fire [any] - by Phoebus - 05-14-2024, 08:28 PM
    RE: boy of fire [any] - by . Red.Opium . - 05-16-2024, 02:24 AM
    RE: boy of fire [any] - by Kreation - 05-17-2024, 07:17 AM
    RE: boy of fire [any] - by Phoebus - 05-17-2024, 08:40 PM
    RE: boy of fire [any] - by . Red.Opium . - 05-19-2024, 03:02 AM
    RE: boy of fire [any] - by Kreation - 05-19-2024, 06:58 AM
    RE: boy of fire [any] - by Phoebus - 05-19-2024, 07:46 PM
    RE: boy of fire [any] - by . Red.Opium . - 05-22-2024, 12:28 AM
    RE: boy of fire [any] - by Kreation - 05-23-2024, 12:59 PM
    RE: boy of fire [any] - by Phoebus - 05-23-2024, 08:28 PM
    RE: boy of fire [any] - by . Red.Opium . - 05-29-2024, 12:56 AM
    RE: boy of fire [any] - by Kreation - 06-07-2024, 06:15 AM
    RE: boy of fire [any] - by Phoebus - 06-16-2024, 07:11 PM
    RE: boy of fire [any] - by . Red.Opium . - 06-17-2024, 05:04 PM
    RE: boy of fire [any] - by Phoebus - 06-18-2024, 07:58 PM
    RE: boy of fire [any] - by Kreation - 06-22-2024, 06:27 PM
    RE: boy of fire [any] - by Phoebus - 06-24-2024, 09:09 PM

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