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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [open]  forty-six & two
    Escence & Eviction
    ~Twin Flame~

    Several weeks had passed since they arrived with their father in Pangea.  He had shown them around a bit, but being the free spirit I was, I chose to wander from watchful eyes.  Maybe without their judgement I could muster some sort of control over my powers I had yet to find in their combined training efforts.

    The radiating heat of the summer day unfazed me, for I was fire.  Wrapped in it from the day of my conception, it has been a part of me both outwardly and inwardly.  From the living flame that dances across my red and white hide, to the fire that burns within my soul.  I know nothing else as much as I know the flame.

    I moved casually about the cracked wasteland that is my father's home.  He spoke so highly of it and yet I question just why.  There seemed to be nothing to extraordinary about the dusty earth and lack of color.  The muted tones of red and yellow left me blended into the backdrop, something I was not used to in the greener lands.  There I was an anomaly, threatening and bold.  But I decided I would make the best of my time here, and without a forest to set a blaze it was the perfect place to practice my magic.

    Curling around a bend of canyon my red eyes lift to appreciate the vast height of the stone walls.  Here my flames could be contained, and my attempts concealed.  So, I look down the long stretch and to the opening of blue sky at the end.  I stand giving a slight shake to my nerves before closing my eyes.  I breathe deeply, willing my flames to concentrate at my sides, imagining them stretching from me like the wings I have seen other adorn with.  

    But my wings are intangible things; swirling vortexes of flame and nothing more.  They require a focus I have not been able to master and even my attempt now is feeble.  The fire swirls and gathers haphazardly.  Creating larger orbs of flame to escape into the atmosphere before they fizzle into nothingness.  I try to call it back, but that just ends in my frustration as more orbs scatter.  Anger begins to boil beneath my flesh as my teeth grind.

    As quickly as it started, it ends.  I snort in annoyance, my forehoof striking the ground, sending flame and dust air bound. "Ugh!  I'll never figure this out," I spit out venom laced words before I am walking with heavy steps that echo off the canyon walls...

    @Niklas Not sure your plans for this thread but here is a fed-up fire filly xD
    //Fire Mimicry-Summer Appearance-Fire Breathing-Water Immunity\\
    Fire Mimicry- Foxfire, Phoenix-Type Immortality, Fire Wings

    Messages In This Thread
    forty-six & two - by Niklas - 06-05-2024, 03:16 PM
    RE: forty-six & two - by Escence - 06-07-2024, 07:52 AM
    RE: forty-six & two - by Niklas - 06-24-2024, 03:11 PM

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