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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [private]  lost in the labyrinth of my mind, jack in the box
    i'll be getting over you my whole life -
    She thinks she can hear the muffled footsteps of someone approaching, and she wills her panicked heartbeat to slow, and quiets her own quickened breath to better listen. Focusing, she is able to pick up on his thoughts as he draws nearer, and she can feel relief flood clear to her bones at the realization that it is someone that can, hopefully, help her. But when he finally comes into view through the thick branches of trees and brush, she feels her heart lurch again. Horns twist from his head, and where a coat should have been are only scales.

    Demon, she thinks to herself, but she swallows her fear away.

    She is not entirely unfamiliar with dark things; her father could control darkness, could cover a land in shadow when he felt like it, or craft all sorts of creatures from it. That was not a side of him that Sheer often saw, but rather stories from his youth that she had been told. To come face to face with what she thinks might be a monster was entirely different than hearing a story about it.

    Reflexively she grows tense, watching uneasily as he continues to step closer. He does not say anything — she notices though that he tries — but a quick, fleeting look inside of his mind tells her that he is not actively considering harming her. She did not much care for reading minds; not the way her grandmother did, how Starsin had loved to use it as a weapon, pocketing away secrets for later use. To her reading minds always felt like she was intruding, and so after she assures herself that he is not going to use her predicament against her she averts her gaze elsewhere, as if he might have felt her listening to his thoughts even though they never did.

    “Thank you for coming,” she tells him, her voice soft and still uncertain. His demonic appearance was a bit unsettling, and it contradicted his benign thoughts and actions, and so she was not entirely sure how to take him. Unwilling to question it right now, though, she tries once more to step forward, only for the thorns to pull tighter at her mane. “Do you think you could maybe just…get my mane untangled?” She hopes that if she could only move her head better she could gain better leverage to free the rest of herself.
    s h e e r

    @Jack in the Box

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    RE: lost in the labyrinth of my mind, jack in the box - by Sheer - 05-27-2024, 11:27 PM

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