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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [private]  lost in the labyrinth of my mind, jack in the box
    At the break of dawn, the sun emerges over the horizon, casting its gentle glow upon the hillside. Jack awakens from his slumber, immediately sensing that something is amiss. He stifles a yawn and stretches his body, being careful not to disturb Aurora and their twins who are still peacefully asleep. With a sense of unease, he departs from their dwelling and makes his way towards the lake to quench his morning thirst.

    As he bends down to drink from the tranquil waters, he catches sight of his reflection. To his astonishment, two large, spiral horns protrude from the center of his head, nestled between his ears. His skin is adorned with scales once again. Jack's ears droop in resignation, knowing that this transformation is the mischievous work of the fairies, who seem to harbor a grudge against him. He turns his gaze towards his beloved family and chooses to walk in the opposite direction, not wanting them to witness his altered appearance. It pains him to be the subject of the fairies' ridicule, but he realizes there is little he can do to change his predicament. Perhaps he shouldn't have lost his temper with them during his time at the Mountain, but how could he have remained silent when they covered his body with scales, stripping away his dark, lustrous bay coat?

    Navigating through the rocky terrain and towering pine trees, Jack makes his way towards the Meadow. He walks for what feels like an eternity, with the sun now high in the sky, accompanied by the melodious songs of birds and the stirring of awakened animals. The serene surroundings bring him a sense of solace as the dense, dark green pines gradually give way to lighter green oaks and birch trees. However, his tranquility is interrupted by the desperate cries for help that reach his ears.

    Jack maneuvers through the entwined vines and thorny bushes, determined to locate the distressed mare. As he opens his mouth to inquire about her predicament, only a hoarse squeak escapes his lips. He rolls his eyes in exasperation at the fairies' mischief and approaches the mare with a calm demeanor, extending his nose gently to reassure her that she will be alright.

    With caution, he circles around her to assess her injuries. Her chest is stained with blood, and her mane and tail are entangled with black thorns. Jack lowers his head to locate the vine that has ensnared her front leg. Taking care not to entangle himself in the same predicament.

    He rises to his feet, a smile forming on his face as he observes the mare's panicked state, attempting to identify any other factors contributing to her entanglement.

    Messages In This Thread
    RE: lost in the labyrinth of my mind, jack in the box - by Jack in the Box - 05-20-2024, 08:18 AM

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