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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [private]  You’re All I Ever Need [Elisdee]

    A gentle ethereal glow is emitted from the egg, accompanied by an equally ethereal hum.  It calls out to only the one who would recognize it.  A distinct voice only he would know.

    Soon the sensation comes it had longed for.  The warming embrace.  The very thing needed to activate the life that lay dormant inside.

    Cells begin to replicate, separating and stretching along genetic cords.  Building slowly the being that would come to form inside.

    Each day another part is built behind the protective layer of shell.  Along with the warmth of its creator, it morphs into something unlike anything of this world.  Pearlescent scales cover its body with a scattered few of jade laced with gold.  Coarse hairs along the crest of its neck extends past its shoulder, tapering off soon after.  Its body is long, much longer than that of even the most disproportionate equine.  Ending its shortened, strong legs are paws with lizard-like toes with curved golden claws.  

    Its tail is long, much like that of a serpent's body, cept with an adorned tuft of jade and gold hair.  Soon tiny buds on top its head begin to form, these would become a form of protection in the years after its birth.  A regal crown of delicate jade antlers like the stags of the forest.

    Lastly, its identity finalizes to that of feminine qualities.  Her expression is soft and gentle.  Her eyes the most vivid shade of teal with a reptilian-like pupil.  Within them specks of navy and gold swirl about like the galaxies of the night sky.  Amongst her scales grow raw minerals crafted within their worlds crust.  Crystals in various shapes and colors that decorate her anatomy.  This is a gift of Craft & Anatomy themselves.

    Her form shifts gently, pulsing to life in the remaining fluids that have existed in her sanctuary.  She can feel the vibrations of her keepers' heart, the own beating of hers matching its pace.  

    This sensation awakens her, causing her to send out an even brighter glow with a force so great it begins to crack the tough exterior that now presses against her.  The confinement of the space becoming too tight now.

    At first there is only a fissure that spreads in the shell.  The glow illuminating it as it tries to escape faster through the break much like water pushing through a weakness in a dam.  

    Eventually the pressure grows too much, sending more fissures to spread from the first crack.  Her body tries to stretch, to relieve itself of the amounting stress upon it.

    Her nose presses against the interior, reaching for the touch of her father that she is sure lays just beyond the barrier.  It is enough to break off a chunk of the shell, exposing her to her first taste of her father's scent.  

    The air rushes into her lungs, expanding them with such force that sends the shell splitting into two large pieces.  The scaled creature unrolls from the confined space that had held her together.  The sleek rocky surface feels strange against her body as she lays upon it with teal eyes looking up, trying to bring into focus her surroundings. 

    Her long, furred ears flicker at the sound of shuffling and then a familiar voice...


    Post to Dale entity for Jewel Touched

    Messages In This Thread
    You’re All I Ever Need [Elisdee] - by Amenadiel - 04-24-2024, 08:19 AM
    RE: You’re All I Ever Need [Elisdee] - by EkstaCee - 05-18-2024, 06:28 AM

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