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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    So you wanna play with magic? ANY
    We do what we must,
    Because we can.

    If you knew her, you might wonder what she was doing here.

    Surely this capricious user of magic, this woman who has seemed heartless, surely she is no mare of the light. Surely she should be chased out, cast down, leaving Pevensie to rule alone.

    But there is more to it than that. Camrynn is not made purely of malice; she is a finely crafted creature, subtle and multifaceted but always in control. She is an odd mix of certainty and unending learning, of knowing and being entirely curious. She likes to push the envelope, to know what's possible, to seek out things that should not be doable, to do things that perhaps should not be done, simply because she wants to know what will happen.

    Imagine that you could poke a hornet's nest and know with certainty that you could protect yourself from getting stung. You'd do it, of course you would.

    Camrynn stands upon a dune, the sun tickling her back as she looks out across the kingdom. She enjoyed the place even before she dropped her illusions, in the days when she lived with Pevensie as a daughter and tried to see the world with a child's eyes. She's sworn an oath to Yael that she will rule in her true form, and she intends to keep that oath – although she's taken a small liberty of thinning her coat a bit, the better to enjoy the heat and relentless sun of her home.

    Her black coat shines and shimmers in the sunlight, impossibly beautiful. That is one gift of magic: she always appears poised, never harried, never dirty, never anything less than her best. Her coat shines with the best of health, her mane and tail are free of tangles, floating gently in the hot desert air. Her eyes are a deep cerulean blue, the color of water on seashores far from this land. Across her chest a gold crook and flail shine, a legacy of the competition that brought her and Pevensie to the throne. Across her left cheek a line of gemstones glitters gently, the equine version of a necklace. She is regal, lovely, beautiful, everything a queen should be.

    Their reign is impossibly young yet. No doubt there would be those who would naysay the two of them, especially her, a virtual unknown in the kingdom. But there would be time to win them over. They had ideas, they had plans, and thanks in part to her, they had knowledge that other kingdoms might not want them to have. It is a good position to be in, and she hopes it can help the Deserts thrive.

    She hears shuffling, and looks up to see Gumby shuffling along a dune in the distance. He seems to have some kind of stick in his mouth, and is looking for some place to bury it. She smiles at her creation; he had been her brainchild, and it's her magic that keeps him alive (although whether anyone else from the Deserts could deduce that so precisely, she isn't sure). Part of her hopes he can remain like this forever, that he need never show just how strong and vicious a protector he can be if it ever comes to war.

    But in her heart, she knows that war is coming. She knows the tensions that are brewing. And a much larger part of her welcomes the storm, welcomes the chaos, and can't wait to see where things fall when it's all said and done.

    C A M R Y N N
    Why? Because I can

    Image copyright MariannaInsomnia

    Messages In This Thread
    So you wanna play with magic? ANY - by Camrynn - 04-12-2015, 10:35 AM
    RE: So you wanna play with magic? ANY - by Yael - 04-14-2015, 10:51 AM
    RE: So you wanna play with magic? ANY - by Yael - 04-21-2015, 02:32 PM
    RE: So you wanna play with magic? ANY - by Yael - 04-30-2015, 09:56 AM
    RE: So you wanna play with magic? ANY - by Yael - 05-12-2015, 03:16 PM

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