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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [private]  The Flame Burns Hot [Family]
    Jack now with dark scales that shimmer under the moonlight, making him look even more imposing. With his ears pinned back and tail swishing stiffly between his hindquarters, he confronts Escence, his voice heavy with frustration and disappointment.

    "You're right. I'm not your father," he growls. "But your father never tried to be there for you! I have been with both of you since before you two were born. Your dad was nowhere to be seen, out there destroying everything he could lay his eyes on. I gave my life for your mother and brother. Yes, your dad did come after you were born and told us that your mother and brother were going to die after she gave birth to you. So instead, I gave my life to protect the three of you! I may not be your blood, but I love you like my own. When I found out your mother was pregnant with you two, I was overjoyed!"

    Jack takes a deep breath, trying to calm himself down. "Escence, you were such a fireball that you burned your mother internally," he continues. "I'm sorry, but your mother would be devastated if something were to happen to you. Your father is not a good horse. He destroys everything in his path, and for what? Nothing good will ever come from him. If you act like him, nothing good will ever come from you either. Will you ever learn?!"

    With his point made, Jack turns around and walks back to his cave, his mane shaking with anger and his tail angrily swishing behind him.

    @ Eviction

    Messages In This Thread
    The Flame Burns Hot [Family] - by Eviction - 04-23-2024, 02:32 PM
    RE: The Flame Burns Hot [Family] - by Eviction - 04-24-2024, 03:17 PM
    RE: The Flame Burns Hot [Family] - by Amenadiel - 04-24-2024, 03:40 PM
    RE: The Flame Burns Hot [Family] - by Jack in the Box - 04-24-2024, 03:40 PM
    RE: The Flame Burns Hot [Family] - by AuroraElis - 04-24-2024, 04:45 PM
    RE: The Flame Burns Hot [Family] - by Eviction - 04-24-2024, 05:34 PM
    RE: The Flame Burns Hot [Family] - by Amenadiel - 04-24-2024, 06:32 PM
    RE: The Flame Burns Hot [Family] - by AuroraElis - 04-25-2024, 08:40 AM
    RE: The Flame Burns Hot [Family] - by Amenadiel - 04-25-2024, 09:23 AM
    RE: The Flame Burns Hot [Family] - by AuroraElis - 04-27-2024, 08:04 AM
    RE: The Flame Burns Hot [Family] - by Amenadiel - 04-27-2024, 08:26 AM
    RE: The Flame Burns Hot [Family] - by AuroraElis - 04-27-2024, 10:29 AM
    RE: The Flame Burns Hot [Family] - by Amenadiel - 04-27-2024, 05:45 PM

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