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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

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    [open]  A God's Creation

    Being what I was, I thought myself to be nearly indestructible.  Even as I was starved of air by the gills the fairies bestowed upon me, I managed to survive.  So, it is why caution does not beckon to me now, even if my travel companion had warned of the possibility that Baltia was out of reach.

    The faint jade glow intensifies as I near.  My speed was no match for the eight-legged creature that accompanies me here.  Each thrust of my tail drives me closer to my destination.

    While swimming I can make out the rocky formations by the illuminating of the glow.  My eyes focused on a dark edging and as I draw closer, I can see it is a cliff ledge.  The light seems to be radiating from below.  With another flick of my tail I am seated at the rim, looking down into a bright bioluminescent world.  My eyes widen as I look down upon the strange place.  My gaze lifts only to see if Eddie has followed me this far...

    A God's Creation | Carnage X Dynast

    Water thread for quest.
    @eddie If he wants to follow her and discover he can't go deeper that's cool(maybe she can save him Wink ).  If he doesn't follow she can continue to explore on her own, no worries.  Just wanted to get another water thread going for her quest and I'll be mia for my event until Monday. She will not have enhanced beauty or sharp teeth during this thread.
    //Equus Kelpus-Immortality\\

    Messages In This Thread
    A God's Creation - by Deiti - 04-18-2024, 04:21 PM
    RE: A God's Creation - by eddie - 04-23-2024, 10:26 AM
    RE: A God's Creation - by Deiti - 04-23-2024, 03:43 PM
    RE: A God's Creation - by eddie - 05-14-2024, 03:25 AM
    RE: A God's Creation - by Deiti - 05-17-2024, 08:09 AM

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