Standing among a host of flame-touched creatures, each so proud and regal in their smoky glory, she had felt weak and inadequate by comparison, what with her rose-kissed pixie aesthetic. She could not endure the idea that they might not offer her even the tiniest taste of the tantalizing exploits they had begun to plan. So, she’d left in a bit (or more than a bit) of a tizzy, desperate to shake the turmoil of her thoughts, to find a way to gain the acceptance and adoration that she’d been craving since setting out on her own.
In her short time here, she’s heard whispers, tales of the capricious entities that could bestow lovely gifts upon residents as they see fit. A mountain has been mentioned several times and though she is unfamiliar with most of the land, surely there can only be one mountain that they mean: the largest one that always looms in the background wherever she seems to go.
It is there that she decides to venture, her seemingly flimsy wings carry her effortlessly away from the Meadow (though they do work twice as hard as larger, more substantial wings). It does not take long to reach the base of the Mountain and a shiver travels the length of her spine, whether due to the lingering magic or the cold that leaches into her bones, incongruous to the summery sweetness she had left behind.
Gravity weighs more heavily than usual and she finds herself being subtly pulled to the ground. It seems she will not be able to fly to the top. She grits her teeth and begins the arduous climb. As she travels, she contemplates what she should ask for. Naturally, her first thought is of something fiery and powerful, something that would leave no question in the minds of the others (and would chase the chill that has settled over her). But the longer she considers her options, the more she leans away from the fire.
No, it would be more fitting if she possesses something far more deceptive, something noxious that hides behind the childish innocence her appearance projects. Ideas continue to bounce off the walls of her mind even as her energy begins to wane, sapped by the ridiculously long trek. But she can also feel that it is almost over, so she persists.
She does not know how much time has passed by the time she reaches the top, but that doesn’t really matter much as the excitement begins to build in chest once more. She knows what she would like to ask for, but she’s not quite sure what to do next, so she stands there quietly, looking for anything that might point her in the right direction.
all I want is a party doll to come along with me when I'm feelin' wild

Kalika would like to quest for the 3-space trait, Poison Manipulation