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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [open quest]  Beqanna Fairytale- Sign Ups!
    -You are minding your own business when suddenly a magical portal appears-
    If you choose to go into the portal, you will be transported into a land... far, far away. 
    Where, who knows.  Why, it is uncertain…

    Sign Up Entry-
    • Have your character discover the portal, be CREATIVE! (Who, what, when and where)
    • Your character enters the portal and SCENE!  End your post there. *Please post to this thread*
    • It is that simple.
    • No word limit for sign up
    • Due Thursday, April 25th at 11:59pm CDT

    The Deets:
    Each character will be placed into one of two fairy tales and will have one task related to that fairytale, with three obstacles to overcome related to their respective tale.  You will be given two database trait options to choose from each chapter to help in your task and overcome the obstacle in each chapter(see example below)!  When you sign up, the order in which you reply will determine which portal you go down(even vs odd) and which fairytale you appear in.  You will not know which fairytale you will get beforehand.  As your character goes through the magical portal to enter the fairytale, they are stripped of ALL previous teg traits. (Anything in their teg, poof, gone!)

    Ex) Jack and the Beanstalk
          Task: Steal the golden goose
          Chapter/Obstacle 1- The "Giants" pet tiger targets you
            Trait- fire breathing
          Chapter/Obstacle 2- Retrieve key around sleeping "Giants" neck
            Trait- sound mimicry
          Chapter/Obstacle 3- Unlock door and flee with golden goose
            Trait- wind manipulation

    Your character will have to discover their new trait in some way during that respective chapter. 
    Ex.   New chapter trait- Fire breathing- your character sneezes from all the dust and flames shoot from their mouth.

    Your chosen traits carry over into your next chapter to assist in your next obstacle.
    Ex.    Chpt/Obs 1: fire breathing
            Chpt/Obs 2: fire breathing and sound mimicry
            Chpt/Obs 3: fire breathing, sound mimicry and wind manipulation

    **You only have to discover your new trait during the chapter you received it.  You do not have to use it to complete the obstacle, but what fun is having it if you don't use it!

    • Your character will have to discover their newest trait in some way during that respective chapter. 
    • Players must have had one IC post in the last 60 days to enter the quest(this sign-up entry does NOT count).  Any character of the player can be entered.
    • Up to two entries per player
    • NO editing posts
    • NO use of previous existing teg traits during quest
    • NO extensions- To drop out, and not receive a defect, you must post IC saying, “There is no place like home” and click heels three times.  Your character will then be transported back to where they started with no memory of the event.
    • Defects can be given for not meeting deadlines or not following rules, but they will only be temporary (two RL weeks)
    • MOST IMPORTANT RULE: These will be judged on creativity, flow of your story, and following rules

    *The new chapters will be posted on Friday mornings, and you have until the next Thursday before midnight(cdt) to reply. There will be 3 chapters total.
    *There will be a 1st, 2nd and 3rd place space trait prizes (TBD).  There will also be smaller “participation” prizes.  These can be given to any of the players characters and will correlate with your story.

    Questions DM me on Discord or in game ~ Neo
    -Semi Active-

    Messages In This Thread
    Beqanna Fairytale- Sign Ups! - by Neo - 04-19-2024, 05:50 AM
    RE: Beqanna Fairytale- Sign Ups! - by Knaught - 04-23-2024, 08:24 AM
    RE: Beqanna Fairytale- Sign Ups! - by skywalker - 04-23-2024, 11:27 AM
    RE: Beqanna Fairytale- Sign Ups! - by Sapere - 04-25-2024, 07:28 PM
    RE: Beqanna Fairytale- Sign Ups! - by Sophist - 04-25-2024, 07:31 PM

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