As predicted they soon settle for the night beneath the lone tree. He has moved closer as night falls. This is when all the creatures -such as himself- begin to prowl, cloaked within the darkness. The ember of his eyes illuminate, creating the impression of two floating red orbs. He would remain awake throughout the night vigilantly watching.
The twins remain curled up against their mother as a, eerie smoke begins to spread throughout the area. He can smell it before he sees it swirling within the light of his eyes. It was a familiar smell to the undead thing. Often billowing through the orifices of his own body. This smoke holds a different scent though, one of burning flesh and ash. He snorts lightly, not wanting to wake his sleeping family. For now, he simply watches and waits.
It isn't much longer when a flame ignites into an inferno in the direction Jacks body laid. This causes him to act in alarm, arching his neck and creating a low vibration within his chest. He is beginning to step towards the inferno when he hears his children questioning their mother. Aurora wakes, eyes blinking away the clouded sleep in her eyes. What's happening? The heat from the fire intensifies as he comes to stand between them protectively, "I'm not sure," he replies. His eyes search the scene for answers but all he sees is smoke and flame where Jacks body laid. Jack! Aurora calls out. Momma what's wrong? Aurora stands now and the twins follow suit.
As quickly as it starts the flames cease. The smoke that had filled the area disappears and all that they can make out in the body of Jack still laying upon the ground where he had fallen. Aurora begins to walk towards the brown stallion's body, "Aurora!" He calls, "Stay back!" Jack?! She calls out again. The twins begin to follow but he steps to block their path, his head lowering to hold them back. "Aurora! Ughh" he growls at the stubborn mare. He looks to the twins who are now flickering in flames, "Stay right here. Do not move!" His voice is stern and commanding. He walks quickly to catch up to the feathered mare. His nares flare as he snorts in protest, coming up quickly to Jacks body he can feel a shift in energy. His magic crawls out from him and wraps around the still body. Jack! Jack! Wake up! H-He's alive! The undead thing feels the life has returned to Jack just as Aurora does. His eyes roll in annoyance at the gifts Beqanna blesses some with, "Oh yay..." He says, sarcasm thick in his tone. Deeming the scene safe, he turns to walk back towards his offspring, still standing where he left them. He approaches, his head low. Upon reaching them he nuzzles them each before turning to face the pair in the distance.
Possesses health transference
and may steal your health.