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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    We got that fire, and were burning one hell of a somethin' [any, Cam, Eldrian?]

    we'll be raising our hands shining up to the sky


    They don't remember how they got here, how they had fallen so far. It felt like they were pulled, and no matter how hard they pulled back, something dragged them down. They did know though, that for some reason, they could not get back Up. Down was strange, Down was heavy. One moment they had been floating, weightless, then they were trapped.

    Up they simply existed, they were a mere state of consciousness. Down they were bony horses, running around on 4 legs instead of two. They existed opposite of each other, apart, instead of connected. Physically it was excruciating, but they had no choice but to endure. For whatever reason, they were Down.

    She tells them to run, the big one, the one that was called 'Tioga'. She screams of things they should do, but she need only ask. Here they might be children, but they as an existence, were far older than the girl could comprehend. Here their bodies betrayed them, they could feel the constant aging, each day closer and closer to an end. What would it be like to finally be snuffed out? Romilly wasn't sure, she had never payed much mind to the goings on of Down dwellers. Guthrie though, he had become reserved here in Down, hardly speaking. He did not take mortality lightly, did not enjoy the feel of aging bones, however minuscule.

    Finally they had reached it, the place where the earth was swept up against your eyes. Tiny grains of sand becoming lifted on the breeze, sticking everywhere. Guthrie stopped, sensing the borders, Bly almost walking right into his rear. 

    Another young thing had been sent with them as well, it's Mother telling it to go along and be safe. Romilly though, dancing at the border, she turned her head and shook it. "No time". She crossed the boundry and Guthrie followed, he always followed because they could not bear to be apart. Bly soon was trudging against the shifting sands as well, hoping Tioga was able to get Mother out.

    @[Camrynn] @[Mirage]

    Messages In This Thread
    We got that fire, and were burning one hell of a somethin' [any, Cam, Eldrian?] - by Romilly and Guthrie - 09-23-2015, 07:53 AM

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