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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [open]  Lost

    Find joy in the journey

    She didn’t know where to go. There didn’t seem to be many horses in the meadow. At least, none that weren’t already busy in conversation. The last thing she wanted to do was interrupt something important, despite how important her own situation was. She was timid, and she didn’t want to force her situation onto anyone by asking for help. Yet, help was exactly what she needed. How to go about getting it, though, she wasn’t sure. She watched from a distance as a group of horses conversed, wishing she had the courage to approach them.

    She heaved a little sigh and forced herself to turn away. Perhaps it would be better to approach someone that wasn’t already busy. So she wandered off further, keeping a steady and relaxed pace as she observed her surroundings. She admired the snowy field as it danced from the sky. It was cold, but somehow that didn’t bother her at all. Rather, she felt at home in it. For a moment, she allowed herself to kick some of the snow, watching it fly into the air. She wasn’t sure if she was trying to distract herself with something fun, or if it was just out of frustration.

    There was a set of hoofsteps approaching that caused her to cease her kicking. She raised her head and glanced about until she noticed a stallion was coming towards her. He appeared to still be in his prime, with a beautiful dark gray coat dappled with spots. She allowed him to come near her, and she lifted her chin as if she was trying to meet his height, although he was much taller than her. He was the first to speak. Some part of her was suddenly anxious. He was a stranger, and she knew that strangers could be dangerous. Especially when they approach you. But another part of her was relieved. She couldn’t get help without speaking with a stranger, because she was in an unknown land with unknown horses. She was left with no other choice.

    Her little tail shook behind her, almost with excitement as she replied, “I don’t know where I am, and I don’t know where my family is.” She was honest with him, as she needed to be. But with his second question came uncertainty. She was afraid, very much so. Of many things in fact. But she wasn’t sure if she wanted to admit that or not. She didn’t want to be pitied, or seen as some victim when she herself didn’t know what had happened. But then again, she wasn’t too fond of the notion of lying to anyone. Even to save her pride.

    She turned to face him fully and finally answered, “I’m petrified. I don’t know where my family is, or if they even want me. I don’t know where I am or how I got here, and I’m surrounded by strangers. I don’t know what to do.”


    Image by Rula Sibai

    @ Everclear

    Messages In This Thread
    Lost - by Agnese - 03-04-2024, 08:53 AM
    RE: Lost - by Everclear - 03-05-2024, 12:58 PM
    RE: Lost - by Agnese - 03-05-2024, 05:42 PM
    RE: Lost - by Symba - 03-07-2024, 09:21 AM
    RE: Lost - by Everclear - 03-15-2024, 07:45 PM
    RE: Lost - by Symba - 03-17-2024, 03:09 PM

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